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My Son's First Shaving Lesson

I gave my son his first shaving lesson last night. He is 13 and his beard is at really nothing more than the 'caterpillar lip' stage. It will more than likely be at least a month before we go through this again.... Before I get on with the details, let me give a little background info:

This is really a time I've been looking forward to. My folks were divorced and my Dad wasn't around to teach me this sort of stuff. Back at Easter time my son approached SWMBO about getting some shaving gear, I guess he thought I would say 'no'. Some of his buddies had been bragging that they were shaving and he must have figured it was his time as well. He asked her for AXE canned shaving goo and an AXE cart razor (shudder) because he's firmly left the stage of 'Daddy knows everything' and entered into the 'Dad knows nothing' phase....sigh..... I guess the man on TV knows more than ol' Dad..... So, she complied with the request, and purchased said gear for his Easter basket without consulting me....sigh.....

Onto the shave - I instruct him on spraying some goo into his hands, rubbing them together, and start to lather up his face. Man, this AXE stuff is pure crap! At least Barbasol goo looks like a decent lather! Halfway through he looks at me and says "I bet this would be easier and less messy with one of your brushes" (score!). I just nodded and told him he could use one next time if he wanted to. I take him through the process of a single pass WTG shave with his cart razor and explain to him as his beard get heavier that he will also have to do ATG. Surprisingly, he's taking in everything I have to say and asking some pretty good questions. At the end, while cleaning his hardware, he asks "Isn't this the type of razor you said can cause a lot of ingrown hairs?" "Yes" I said, "that's true in a lot of people". "I'll bet that hurts a lot" he mumbled. I guess he's still paying more attention to what I say than I give him credit for!

Looks like the groundwork has been set for another convert! :thumbup:
What a great story. I remember when I first started shaving. I have a good relationship with my father, but shaving isn't really important to him, so it never really came up. I was actually kind of embarrassed at needing to shave. I bought a Mach 3 Turbo with my allowance at 14 and hid it in my underwear drawer.

I can only imagine what it would have been like being introduced to proper shaving from the start. Would have probably been overwhelming. I just wanted something to get rid of my Joe Dirt sideburns and scraggly 'stache.

Just make sure you steer him away from the Axe rubbish as soon as you can. I was in Wal-Mart last night contemplating a purchase of Aqua Velva Musk. I haven't been down the shaving aisle in ages, since it offers nothing to me. I was surprised to see a large portion of the shaving aisle being bogarted by Axe branded crap. I chuckled to myself as I looked at the price tags attached to the cheap plastic razors and shaving goo.

He doesn't know any better at this stage and he needs your guidance, lest he fall into the trap that countless millions of men have fallen into.
I wish my dad was like that.
Although I converted to DE on my second shave. So no damage there.

I'm the only wet shaving aficionado in my house. I always tell my father to try my stuff (pre shave oil (castor+canola),razor (fresh blade,of course)and creams.

Btw I mix all 3 of my creams and some glycerin. Makes one hell of a lather.
Biotique bio palmyra
Old spice (original)
Palmolive (lemon)
My wife thinks I'm crazy, but I still get a kick out of watching my 2 sons (17 and 14) shave. I think it is something women will never understand. Thanks for the great story.
My folks were divorced and my Dad wasn't around to teach me this sort of stuff
Same here, I pretty much taught myself. I can't wait to teach my future son how to shave

Onto the shave - I instruct him on spraying some goo into his hands, rubbing them together, and start to lather up his face. Man, this AXE stuff is pure crap! At least Barbasol goo looks like a decent lather! Halfway through he looks at me and says "I bet this would be easier and less messy with one of your brushes" (score!). I just nodded and told him he could use one next time if he wanted to. I take him through the process of a single pass WTG shave with his cart razor and explain to him as his beard get heavier that he will also have to do ATG. Surprisingly, he's taking in everything I have to say and asking some pretty good questions. At the end, while cleaning his hardware, he asks "Isn't this the type of razor you said can cause a lot of ingrown hairs?" "Yes" I said, "that's true in a lot of people". "I'll bet that hurts a lot" he mumbled. I guess he's still paying more attention to what I say than I give him credit for!

Looks like the groundwork has been set for another convert! :thumbup:

Sounds like you have a very intelligent boy there.

What a nice story, you sir are a good dad.
My oldest will be 13 in a month and a half. Currently is using an electric trimmer about once a week on his upper lip. Looking forward to teaching him to shave. I was given an electric for Christmas, not actually taught, although electric razors are pretty self-explanatory. I use a straight so ill be looking to get a couple de's soon--one for me so I can learn it and one for him.
I wanted to add that I won't have the opportunity to teach my son how to shave since I only have one daughter. However, I did teach her how to shave her armpits. Does that count?
My dad started me with a 1949 Gillette Super Speed when I was 12 yrs. old. He let me put a blade in the razor when I was 15.
That's awesome. I converted my teen to a DE, let him use a 48'-50' super speed to start - then I ordered him a Merkur 1904/1906 - we will have it engraved very soon. He "borrows" some of my clubman pretty regular these days and my Old Spice. Don't worry about the axe stage - it isn't pleasant but mine outgrew the phase pretty quickly.
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