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my setup

My brush arrived today, back from the capable hands of NexlevMM. Here it is, with mug and lather bowl.

and here it is under blacklight.
Vaseline glass is cool stuff. Was it originally a shaving brush handle? The reason I ask, I have an aunt that has a massive (and I mean MASSIVE) collection of Vaseline glass and I have never seen a Vaseline shaving brush.
I would have never guessed a candlestick holder. :biggrin1: Awesome!

My aunt has a few salt and pepper shakers that would make excellent brush candidates. When I told her this. . .she thought I had lost my mind - ruining perfectly good Vaseline glass. lol
I didn't even know NexlevMM did that kind of work.

LOL! Well, i dont do glasswork or anything like that. But I can be commissioned to place a knot or restore a handle. I didnt even know that handle glowed under a blacklight, very cool indeed!!:thumbup:
I can just see it now...the year 2099 Badger&Blade forum question. " I found this brush at a estate sale. Can anyone here tell me where this unique brush came from? There is no manufacturer stamp on brush". Thats gonna have the historians scratching thier collective heads <G>.
I can just see it now...the year 2099 Badger&Blade forum question. " I found this brush at a estate sale. Can anyone here tell me where this unique brush came from? There is no manufacturer stamp on brush". Thats gonna have the historians scratching thier collective heads <G>.

Good! Why should they have it any easier than us? :001_tt2:
That looks cool. I once saw a set of glassware of this type and thought it was odd but nice. You made something unique that would make a nice heirloom piece IMO.
When I saw your set up I immediately thought of one of my splashes (one of my favourites accidently). Guerlain´s Vetiver.
$BimgGuerlain Vetiver 200ml EDT.jpg
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