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My Semogue 1800 Brush Fell Apart

The whole middle of the knot fell out. Looks like the glue bond shattered, probably because I dropped it one too many times. Switched over to my Semogue 830.

that sucks! sorry to see that. even if you dropped it i wouldn't think this should happen. i could be wrong..
Sorry to hear/see this. But on the plus side you have a handle that you can re knot and also you can buy a new brush to replace this one. There is some positives here.
Had not thought about buying a new knot. Any recommendations on where to look? I was going to replace the 1800, but I am really liking the 830. It's much better that I remember. I think Semogue bore bristle brushes are a fantastic value considering you can pay $75+ or $100+ or $200+ for a brush. And while some of the other bore bristle brushes are stiff, the Semogues are pretty nice right out of the box and only get better with time. Been very happy with mine.


Check Out Chick
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I am in Australia but I think “ The Golden Nib “ may sell brush knots. There is also Vendors here that may sell knots in their stores.
that sucks! sorry to see that. even if you dropped it i wouldn't think this should happen. i could be wrong..
Excelsior's have been out of production for some time now, so repeated drops over time very well could have negatively impacted the glue

Sorry to hear/see this. But on the plus side you have a handle that you can re knot and also you can buy a new brush to replace this one. There is some positives here.
Had not thought about buying a new knot. Any recommendations on where to look? I was going to replace the 1800, but I am really liking the 830. It's much better that I remember. I think Semogue bore bristle brushes are a fantastic value considering you can pay $75+ or $100+ or $200+ for a brush. And while some of the other bore bristle brushes are stiff, the Semogues are pretty nice right out of the box and only get better with time. Been very happy with mine.
Reknot with another Premium Boar knot or...

How about replacing the 1800 with a mistura - like a Torga C5 Mistura? Nice brush!
Time for a new one!!!
Mistura re-knot would be a great option
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