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My Return To The Astra SP

My first shave ever was with a Merkur 180 and Merkur blades. I then ordered 25 Astra SP's not knowing any better! They were way too sharp and cruel for a new shaver like myself. this was about two years ago. I've been on a recent hunt for a smoother, closer shave. The Med Preps I had been stuck on worked good, but thats it...just good. After several blade samplers I found the Feather. Wow what a good shave! My face can't stand repeated shvaes with it however. They mow down my beard but leave my face paying the price. So I decided to try the Astra SP again, and to my surprise it was the best shave I'd had in a while! I had to check my Red Tip to be sure I had put the damn blade in it was so smooth!!!:001_tt1:
Astra SP are great blades and cheap too. I still prefer Med Preps, but honestly, Astras are really good for the price and last for about 5 shaves or so for me, which is good.
Congrats- that sounds like an excellent shave/ excellent find. Your technique/ prep/ razor/ etc have all aligned to the blade that works. Funny how it changes over time...
Nice work!


No tattoo mistakes!
Funny how it changes over time...


I shaved with a few (very few) Derbys when I started last November before switching to Feathers. It has never made any sense to me that the sharpest blade would not also give the smoothest shave assuming technique was dialed in. But I tried an Astra last week for the first time. I'm pretty sure they're not as sharp as Feathers, but they are definitely smoother and yield a superior shave for me in British #88 OC. And this morning I loaded an Astra into a #21 with the same result. I should go back and compare to a Feather now, but I don't feel motivated.
I was a huge Feather guy when I first started DE Shaving. I bought a 50 pack of them a couple of weeks ago and used one blade. It tore my face up. I guess my face had just gotten used to Astras, Gillette Yellows, and Med Preps. I sold em all a few days after I got them
I want everyone to do themselves a BIG favour- please try a Timor DE blade.

They are 2 notches in sharpness below the Feather BUT are extremely smooooooooooooooth and allow you to use a higher setting or aggreesive razor for a multi pass shave that to date have found unrivalled. I have tried just about every blade out of the P&G plant in Russia and have tried most of the Egyptian blades as well as the Turkish.

I am curious that more shavers aren't bragging about them.
By coincidence, I put an Astra SP in my BRW short-comb NEW this morning and had the same experience. I used to think they were too rough but now with improved technique they give me a smooth shave.
My first shave ever was with a Merkur 180 and Merkur blades. I then ordered 25 Astra SP's not knowing any better! They were way too sharp and cruel for a new shaver like myself. this was about two years ago. I've been on a recent hunt for a smoother, closer shave. The Med Preps I had been stuck on worked good, but thats it...just good. After several blade samplers I found the Feather. Wow what a good shave! My face can't stand repeated shvaes with it however. They mow down my beard but leave my face paying the price. So I decided to try the Astra SP again, and to my surprise it was the best shave I'd had in a while! I had to check my Red Tip to be sure I had put the damn blade in it was so smooth!!!:001_tt1:

AirForce- If you want a smoother, closer shave then you gotta roll the bones, IMO. Get the Indian 7oclock blacks and you won't be disappointed. You also might try Gillette Silver Blue's or Rapira Platinum Lux's(cheap) for close and smooth.
Here's another vote for Astra SPs. Haven't tried many blades yet but the Astras, for me, are just behind the Feathers (but at a fraction of the price).
Astra SP are the best. There are blades out there that are sharper, or cheaper, but nothing in my opinion is as well rounded as the Astra SP
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