I posted about painting my Red Tip a while back and got several suggestions and most people seemed to settle on Krylon International Harvester Red as a very close match. One problem, no one close by sold it.
Enter Topgumby to the rescue. He decanted some into a Testor's bottle and sent it my way. A very carefully packaged box arrived a few days later. The way this was packaged alone must have taken some time.
I can't thank this guy enough. I think his generosity represents the best in gentlemanly deportment.
Does the razor shave any closer having the paint restored? No. Is the overall experience better? You bet'cha. I love seeing that brand new looking vintage Gillette sitting on the shelf next to my brush.
All Topgumby requested in payment for his trouble was to post a pic. So here are four.
Thanks again. You don't know how much I appreciate it, sir.
Enter Topgumby to the rescue. He decanted some into a Testor's bottle and sent it my way. A very carefully packaged box arrived a few days later. The way this was packaged alone must have taken some time.
I can't thank this guy enough. I think his generosity represents the best in gentlemanly deportment.
Does the razor shave any closer having the paint restored? No. Is the overall experience better? You bet'cha. I love seeing that brand new looking vintage Gillette sitting on the shelf next to my brush.
All Topgumby requested in payment for his trouble was to post a pic. So here are four.
Thanks again. You don't know how much I appreciate it, sir.