well i got home saturday night and the first thing i did was open up the box i got in the mail from this sale which i have posted a couple times already.
im very happy to say that the red dot case wasnt hurt at all.
to tell u the truth though i did expect a better job of the packaging. everyone talked about how good it was but it everthing was just wrapped in grocery bag paper....... as long as it made it i guess. some people also mentioned to me that this seller knows his razors so for him to post a lot like this with not so great pics that i may have to do some work with some of these razors, that turned out to be a very true statement. the fb adjuster knob is stuck good, im gonna have it replated anyway. the lady gillette has some good brassing and it took 3 days of soaking to get it open with plyers. the red tip is just gone. the tv special case has a crack in it but thats ok. the case for the reg flare tip ss was in good condition until my mother in law knocked it off the counter after i had just finished washing it off
. oh well it i what it is. she felt bad about it and looked like she was about to cry. she offered to buy me a new one but i told her not to worry about it. when i heard something fall i was more worried it was the red dot case or the flare tip travel case. i told her that if it was one of those then i would have taken her up on her offer. after a while i started giving her a hard time about it telling her "well, it made it about 50 years then u came along" lol
im gonna post a good amount of pics just so u guys know.
im very happy to say that the red dot case wasnt hurt at all.

im gonna post a good amount of pics just so u guys know.