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My One Year Wet Shaving Anniversary.

It's one year this month since I've been using a DE. A big thank you to the members of B+B for the encouragement and advice that I've received. Though I don't post as often as I should, I do frequent the forum from time to time.

What drove me to classic shaving? Mainly the high cost of carts. I may have gone against the grain unlike most here. I didn't get into RAD and stuck with my original gear for the first year:
- EJ DE89-BL (Reasonable price, quality, mild, receives good reviews)
- EJ BB bruch ( Good starter brush without major $)
- Sampler pack of blades
- Astra SP (Blade of choice)
- Tabac soap (Quality soap that lasts)
- Alum block
- Clubman
- Few AS

With one year under my belt I am pleased to say that there is no going back! I chose the products listed from reading the forum(s) and asking advice. For my money I certainly cannot complain. The shaves were good out of the gate. They only continued to get better as the weeks/months passed. In one of the threads here someone had asked, "What do you think of when you shave shave?" To this my only answer can be, "Why did I wait so long?"

I thought I had DFS to BBS for some time. To mark my one year anniversary I ordered a Duke 3 in best from WCS along with some Tabac cream. It wasn't until after I had placed the order I had learned about Tabac cream not being any where near what their soap is. Rather than shampooing the brush etc. I decided to follow another member and just soak the brush and build a lather and let it sit over night. The next day I rinsed the brush preped and went about my first shave with the Duke. I thought a brush was a brush! :O Wrong! Though some people find these things are lather hogs, I found it produced better lather than my EJ. It takes more product which I can understand. Absolutely love the feel of the D3 on my face compared to the EJ. My girlfriend thought I was nuts to spend that much on a brush. She was surprised when I told her it was one of the cheaper brushes compared to some. Anyway, once my shave was complete she came over and brushed the back of her hand against my face. She couldn't believe as to how smooth it was. "Your face is as smooth as a baby's behind! I've been using it for a week now and it continues to get even better, (using with Tabac cream & soap mixed). Can't wait until the D3 has reached its breakin period. Shaves are consistent thus far.

To complete my one year mark along with my shaving den I received a lathering bowl from Sara Bonnyman yesterday. I'm looking forward to using it come tomorrow morning.

Though I've been wanting to try other blades, and other products in general, I've decided to stick with the KISS method. Don't fix what isn't broken. Everything has been working quite nicely for me so I'll be sticking with the same gear for a while. Thank you B&B members for such an enjoyable year!
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