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My newest set of Gillette's including my Krona


Got 2 Korna's, a Early 70's long handled adjustable Gillette and another Gillette I don't know what it is. It says Serial number on package.
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Got 2 Korna's, a Early 70's long handled adjustable Gillette and another Gillette I don't know what it is. It says Serial number on package.

Unless I'm mistaken, this is a black handled Superspeed, the last incarnation of the SS-usually it's a 70's vintage. A nice,mild shaver, and one of my favorites. Nice collection (insert envy for your SA here...)


My elbows leak
Staff member
Sweet looking group there, it's fitting that they are setting on an excellent piece of Music by Robert Smith no less!!
Sweet looking group there, it's fitting that they are setting on an excellent piece of Music by Robert Smith no less!!

My daughter plays the panio and that was where I made the photo. I choose the Tempest because that is what E-bay is a Tempest!
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