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My new vintage coti

Well here is the coti I won last week on eBay. They didn't send the match from the picture and it isn't marble. Hope you like it, I've lapped the coti side but not the BBW side yet as it needs some serious work and its too hot today.
If anyone can identify the vein I'd be interested. For info I've just given it a go on water and it seems quick, the water turned grey after 40 single strokes each side, not tried with slurry but it doesn't seem to auto slurry fro
First impressions. $E5688C97-CF35-4FB1-A46A-61BD6C5033C5-480-0000010BC7DEFD86.jpg


  • $FBC4EE12-E113-4A26-8A81-CBC3213D980D-480-0000010BD8ABF4BD.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 89
Who cares about a race for grey water? That thing's so very delicious no matter where it places. What a beauty!
I try a billion times to find old cotis, but (as with horse racing) haven't yet won.
I'm really happy with this one, it's not as big as the one i got from Ardennes coticules (200x60) but its a natural combo and the manganese lines are wicked. It's everything I was hoping for and more, hopefully it'll help give me a nice edge.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
A great deal of time, I would rather have an interesting looking stone. They are like works of art.
Yeah I understand completely. I love honing on my big coti but this is a work of art in comparison. It's not the mos beautiful I've seen on here but it's mine! I was originally thinking of flipping it on the bay as it wasn't up as a coti but it's definitely a keeper.
Too hot????
You can always visit us here and bring that sunshine.
Summer forgot to turn up again this year. :crying:
Nice looking Coti.
I can identify that stone - it is a Coticule/Belgian Blue Whetstone :tongue_sm

Nice looking rock. I love the surface lines.
Cheers for the nice words fellas. I can't wait for the weekend to come so I can get honing. Oh and there's big flea market on Sunday with about 500 sellers so I'm gonna see what I can pick up in the way of stones and blades! Early start and the family is staying at home so should be interesting.
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