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My new shaving rack

SWEET! Your friend Stan better watch out. It's so nice he might be really pressed to go into production with these...


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Here it is my new shaving rack. I had my friend Stan from work make it for me. He did a very nice job making it. Now my wife has more room in the bathroom cabinet (LOL).

The only flaw is there are no open spaces for future purchases...on the other hand you could just quietly change out existing ones with new and SWMBO would never know...egad you are a genius.
That is one outstanding rack! I love how its custom made to fit every piece of your gear, very very nice.

I have toyed with buying/making something similar, but my collection and preferences change so fast it would be obsolete in no time at all :001_rolle My brush collection in particular seems to be spreading like wildfire. :a29:
Stan the man does fine work. He made it out of oak wood.

Thanks Stan for making the rack for me.
nice rack...(i mean the razor holder ya) what ur razor collection?

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