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My new Scrupleworks 2.5 Horween oil tanned horsehide

Strop just arrived in the mail and I have already used it and I love the draw.



Nice workmanship on that strop. I have a regular Horween horsehide strop made by Walking Horse which has a great light draw. I'm not familiar with the Horween oil tanned horsehide. How would you describe the draw?
I have now used this strop 6 times. I would rate the draw a nice happy medium. I also have a Scrupleworks cow hide strop and the draw is what I would call very heavy but works good with full hollow razors but this Horween strop seems to perform just as good on full to 1/4 grind razors.

The Kanayama strop is a complete different animal and comparing the two is difficult. The draw on the Kanayama is almost nonexistent compared to this strop but I believe the suede insert smooths out the edge on the razor and the leather only refines the edge, thus draw is not needed on this piece of leather. Both are excellent strops and I do not think you can go wrong with either of them.
That strop is very very beautiful. Where do you get them? I found the web sight but no selling info, and I had no luck with a search for them at any stores.
2.5 inch and this is the size prefer because I like doing X-strokes plus I am much less likely to cut my strops when I am doing a x-stroke.
Interesting comment about the draw being medium. Normally one associates horsehide with a light draw. Perhaps the oil tanning increases the draw. If Torolf reads this maybe he can educate us on this Horween oil tanned horsehide. I definitely would look into adding one of these to my strop family.
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