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My New LC New

He did a beautiful job! I'll just bet you'll love this thing. I've just had my second shave with my new new (!?) that arrived yesterday and I think I've come very close to perfection! At first light when I unwrapped it I wondered if I'd purchased a small garden rake but I threw a new Feather in and took off and it's just Happy Happy Happy! Congrats!
He did a beautiful job! I'll just bet you'll love this thing. I've just had my second shave with my new new (!?) that arrived yesterday and I think I've come very close to perfection! At first light when I unwrapped it I wondered if I'd purchased a small garden rake but I threw a new Feather in and took off and it's just Happy Happy Happy! Congrats!
He sent three Personna Lab Blue blades with it. I can't wait till Tuesday.
I've used him twice, and he does great work. If it doesn't get rhodium, he's going to get another new and a ball end from me.
Very nice! Krona has my ball-end NEW currently, I can't wait to get it back all shiny Nickel plated :)

Enjoy that NEW, they are excellent shavers!
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