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My New Brushes...(Pics)

Just wanted to share my small collection. From left to right, Simpson Tulip 3 two-band, Vulfix 2234 (my first brush, and still one of my favorites), Simpson pre-vulfix PJ1 in super, Ever-ready N40 handle with a TGN 22mm silvertip grade A, Rudy Vey custom buffalo handle with a TGN 22mm super silvertip, and last but certainly not least my Simpson Wee Scott.

I love the Rudy Vey, I set the loft at 52mm, wanted a little flop for my cream lathering bowl. The Vulfix is what I cut my teeth on, to tell you the truth, for 55 dollars, this is an excellent brush if you bowl lather creams. The Ever-Ready with the TGN isn't my favorite, it is a little short lofted for me, probably gonna see it on BST one of these days. A similar story with the Tulip 3, I wish it was a little longer loft, but I will let this one break in for a while before I fourth and long it. Working it's way into the number one spot very quickly is my pre-vulfix Simpson PJ1, I love this brush, I just got it yesterday and it is awesome. As above, last but not least the Wee Scott, I like this little brush, it makes lather like a big boy and is fun to use just based on its size.

Below are some photos od them all lines up and a couple of them pre and post bloom...

Thanks for reading,

As you notice the sticker and the lettering is faded on the PJ1, when I picked it up out of the sink the sticker was floating, but what I didn't know is that there would be Simpson under the sticker. Is this common? Also, is it common for the black stamp fade away?

Last picture is of the Rudy Vey bloomed...

Thought I would sneak my mock-up of the custom Shavemac D01 that is coming to me shortly...SBAD in full effect baby!!! Front row, no hands!!!WEE


As you notice the sticker and the lettering is faded on the PJ1, when I picked it up out of the sink the sticker was floating, but what I didn't know is that there would be Simpson under the sticker. Is this common? Also, is it common for the black stamp fade away?
Yes, the sticker is designed to come off (revealing the Simpsons stamp), and yes, lamp black will fade. Some people put nail polish over the sticker, but I prefer the brushes without it.
Nice collection! The older Simpson brushes had stickers that would easily fall off. All of the ones I had fell off during the first use. I actually liiked them better without the sticker.
Very nice collection. I need to keep my eye out for a nice Pre-Vulfix Simpson. That lampblacke just looks great.
A very nice collection, congratulations! I have a real jones going for the Tulip at the moment and I'm still deciding whether a Size 2 or Size 3 would suit be better. That Simpson's 2-Band hair is fantastic stuff.
A very nice collection, congratulations! I have a real jones going for the Tulip at the moment and I'm still deciding whether a Size 2 or Size 3 would suit be better. That Simpson's 2-Band hair is fantastic stuff.

Thanks David, I'm just amazed in how much difference there is in all of the company's grades of badger hair. It is actually a bit over whelming, i'm just glad there are places like B&B to come and get advice...
Very nice collection. I need to keep my eye out for a nice Pre-Vulfix Simpson. That lampblacke just looks great.

Thanks Bob, I didn't realize how much I was going to like the PJ1, and even more because it is a pre-vulfix. The hair is amazing!!!
Just a heads up - becareful if you decide to use clear nail polish to 're-apply' the Simpsons sticker. I do not know if it has any ill effect on the old stickers (which it sounds like yours is since, if I'm not mistaken, they're much more prone to come of in water than the new ones)... but on the new stickers, I can tell you from first hand experience, nail polish will cause the sticker ink to dissolve/bleed.
A very nice collection, congratulations! I have a real jones going for the Tulip at the moment and I'm still deciding whether a Size 2 or Size 3 would suit be better. That Simpson's 2-Band hair is fantastic stuff.

The Simpsons T2 Two-Band I have is my favorite brush... The T3 seemed a bit floppy, but not sure if I had one with an unusually high loft.

Get it... The Tulip is one of those special Simpsons brushes.
Just a heads up - becareful if you decide to use clear nail polish to 're-apply' the Simpsons sticker. I do not know if it has any ill effect on the old stickers (which it sounds like yours is since, if I'm not mistaken, they're much more prone to come of in water than the new ones)... but on the new stickers, I can tell you from first hand experience, nail polish will cause the sticker ink to dissolve/bleed.

Thanks for the info John. I personally like the way the brush is without the sticker now that I have seen it this way. I'm wondering if the Tulip sticker will come off over time, it seems to be on the handle pretty good...
The Simpsons T2 Two-Band I have is my favorite brush... The T3 seemed a bit floppy, but not sure if I had one with an unusually high loft.

Get it... The Tulip is one of those special Simpsons brushes.

Thanks for the heads-up! I have been looking at them recently and I think that the knot-size of the "3" set at (or close to) the loft of the "2" would be fantastic but failing that I think that the Tulip 2 will be the one for me as well.

Just to let you know your Vulfix 2234 (second from the left) is really a Vulfix 374, and it is a great brush.

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