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My mini review of the Merkur Futur

In one word: RESPECT!

Experience Level: DE Novice
Prior experience: Merkur 1904
Blade used: Merkur
Dial setting: 2.5 WTG, 1.5 ATG

I have only used so far the Merkur 1904 open comb design and let me tell you that the Futur beats it in both aggressiveness, close shaving and hazard potential.

The 1904 is a great little shaver but for some reason, the open comb design irritates my skin when I shave (both WTG and ATG) as if the combs are digging into my skin. With the Futur the smooth round head slides easily and gently on the face.

The first thing I noticed when shaving with the Futur is the sound it makes, oh mama!! it sound exactly like a sound the straight would make when I used to shave at the barber. I suspect thought that it might be the hollow blade cavity that is amplifying the sound.

But on my first pass (WTG) I managed to cut my chin in a somewhat severe manner because I made the mistake to try and shave with the Futur from the chin to the neck non stop. Big mistake! I should have done the chin first, then moved to the neck.

The second pass (WTG) was as smooth and cut/nick/weepers free. It was a delight. I was able to get easily in the mustache area with the corners of the blade with no issue whatsoever. And I head that this was an issue with this razor, well, not for me it wasn't :)

The third pass (ATG) was a bit rough. First the handle and the weight made it a bit awkward to hold the razor upside down. I managed to cut myself (very small cut) on the neck, and I got a *lot* of weepers on the mustache area. But the shave was very close!

So in closing, compared to a 1904, the Futur is:
-Closer shave with the same shaving technique and same blade
-Make a very nice and satisfying shaving sound.
-More awkward to hold in the upside down position for a ATG pass
-More dangerous and much less permissive

That's it :)
Contragulations the Futur is a wonderful shaving machine. The Futur weighs twice as much as a 1904 so you cannot press under any circumstances or cuts will ensue. I hold the handle of the Futur like a dart. This way it gives exact control. Also you need to take your time and don't rush. If you are in a hurry use the 1904 and save the Futur for pleasure shaves. And most blades work very nice in a Futur.
Contragulations the Futur is a wonderful shaving machine. The Futur weighs twice as much as a 1904 so you cannot press under any circumstances or cuts will ensue. I hold the handle of the Futur like a dart. This way it gives exact control. Also you need to take your time and don't rush. If you are in a hurry use the 1904 and save the Futur for pleasure shaves. And most blades work very nice in a Futur.

How do you hold it for an ATG shave?
The futur used to be my go to razor...however as I got faster and more comfortable shaving with DE razors, I found that the lighter razors gave me great shaves and allowed me to shave faster. I still use the futur when I want to take my time and I don't want to try out new techniques. My current go to razor is the Gillette Senator.
as for your last question I hold it like a spoon and put just enough pressure on it to keep it on my face. Any more pressure and it's easy to cut your self. I would recommend that you try the razor with a starter blade. I use shark or derby blades when I am taming a new razor.
2.5 is reasonably aggressive for the Futur. If you find you are nicking yourself or getting weepers, you may wish to drop it down to 1.5 or so.

ATG position -

holding the razor by the handle with the head pointing towards my body instead of away from my body when doing WTG. In other words everything is reversed.
Yes use a low setting and work your way up to whats comfortable for you. Every one has a different tolerance level and beard growth(light,medium & heavy). This is a wonderful razor.
Glad that you like the Futur, but if the open comb 1904 gives you some irritation, try the 1904 safety bar.

The 1904 is my go to DE, and I have both models. I only use the open comb when I have a 3 day or more growth of beard. I'm retired so I only shave on average 3 times a week. I find the safety bar causes no irritation at all. I know you now like the Futur, but the safety bar 1904 is a nice backup. :thumbup1:
My three favorite razors: Futur, Fatboy, and EJ 89L. Three of them stopped my DE RAD. That was before I discovered Feather Artist Club straight... I feel another RAD in my future...
I'm happy for for the people who like their Futur razors, but there are plenty of folks who dislike them. I used one for about a month, then sent it out on the bay. It is too heavy to provide good feedback, especially when going S-N when you are working against gravity. The head is too big for the nooks and crannies. The blade-changing system is positively cretinous. And - matter of taste, granted - it doesn't pass the "looks like a razor" test. Quality control is apparently an issue, although I did not experience it.

Too me the Futur is a bad harbinger for The Future. It's going to be big, sleek, slick, smooth, expensive and nasty. No, thanks.
I like my Futur, although its the only DE I've tried. I'm thinking about trying one of the other adjustables...

Go check the wiki and rethink your thoughts. You have the most aggressive razor out there already and the only "new" razor I would consider buying.
Agreed. After coming full circle with most of the vintage and modern stuff, the Futur is the best razor I have ever used, and I didn't like it at first at all... it scared the crap out of me and I hesitated going ATG on the upper lip, and it bit me hard. I was going way, way too fast and had it set on 2. I took the whole next month off from using it (MOSTLY TO HEAL... I have a nice little scar from it, too!), and now I use it at @ 1.75 with a fresh Bluebird every shave. The shaves are incomparable.

Go check the wiki and rethink your thoughts. You have the most aggressive razor out there already and the only "new" razor I would consider buying.
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