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My Mileage Has Varied (for the better)

I ordered the starter kit a two or three weeks ago and was really impressed by the obvious quality of the products, the closeness of the shaves I was getting, and what it was doing for the skin of my face.

After that I was inspired to visit the shop itself (luckily, I'm only a couple hours away) and visit with Charles and try out some more of the Hydrolast line (items that don't come in the starter kit: finishing balm, activator, etc.). In short, it was an incredible visit. Charles was really generous with his time, and is obviously extremely gifted and passionate about what he's doing (as well as about being passionate about making sure the products work well for you).

Anyway, the bottom line (for me) is that the results I've been able to get using traditional creams, etc., is nowhere even close to what I've been able to get using the Hydrolast products. I think it's cool that we have people like Charles (and Mantic, and Leisureguy, etc.) thinking about how to do this better and am glad to have found something that works as well as it does for me.
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I ordered the starter kit a two or three weeks ago and was really impressed by the obvious quality of the products, the closeness of the shaves I was getting, and what it was doing for the skin of my face.

Anyway, the bottom line (for me) is that the results I've been able to get using traditional creams, etc., is nowhere even close to what I've been able to get using the Hydrolast products.


I'm in total agreement with the above.
I agree with you .
I've been toying with ordering a starter kit. That video of Chas. speed-shaving w/ a new Feather is quite impressive. Do you guys have a sense of how long the starter kit will last? With all the terms and products, its hard to wade through and get to just what is needed.

I tried posing my questions to their site....but it has one of those silly "verification" boxes. It said I entered the wrong code....so my whole message went *poof*!
Do you guys have a sense of how long the starter kit will last?

I couldn't tell you exactly how long everything will last b/c I'm still working on using product up myself. Charles does include generous samples and the conditioning cream lasts about 3 weeks. You will not feel in any way shortchanged by ordering the starter kit. Good Luck and have fun. :badger:
I ended up talking to Charles prior to ordering. I detest pang shipping charges and wanted to get everything I need in one order. I ended up getting a cloth, cutting balm, a couple primer rounds, a tub of paste, and some peppermint conditioner.

Trying to figure this out by reading is tough. The vocabulary is one thing, but as the products evolve, stuff I read about has become obsolete. I kept hearing of #1, #2, and #3 pastes, which are no longer offered. Also, the video shows him using "activator", but he told me I wouldn't need it.

There is certainly a lot of confusion and conflicting info facing the newbie method-shaver!
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