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My Irisch Moos experience

Recently came back from Europe with a few sticks of the elusive Irisch Moos. Had a chance to use it a few times and I wanted to post my thoughts. It is a fine lathering soap, even if tallow is not listed as the top ingredient. Pretty similar in performance to Tabac, but the stick form is a bit different for me. I've used glycerin (QED) shave sticks before but this differs as it is a harder soap. Also, your face has to be rather wet as the stick tends to dry and and get sticky as you rub it on. Also it was more of an effort to get the water and soap ratio right using it this way. But with a little work I was able to get great lather and a very Tabac like shave.

The scent? It has some similarities to Tabac, but without the "edge". It has a bit more of a clean soapy smell to my nose.

All in all, a darn good soap and likely to sit in my rotation, although not quite as often I suspect as my Tabac puck.


Wanting for wisdom
I've just been dipping the end of the stick into my shaving water and rubbing on my face a little bit for each dip. It takes surprisingly little to face lather.
I'm pretty envious, I sure hope to track down some IM for myself someday!

If it ever falls out of your rotation, feel free to contact me for my mailing address. . . :lol:
I find it really easy to lather with. I find that it's easy to apply to a wet face and a soaked brush produces lots of lather. It's really nice, fragrant, moisturizing and cushioning lather as well. I think it's every good as Tabac but with a much nicer scent. It's easily one of my favorite soaps.

Recently came back from Europe with a few sticks of the elusive Irisch Moos. Had a chance to use it a few times and I wanted to post my thoughts. It is a fine lathering soap, even if tallow is not listed as the top ingredient. Pretty similar in performance to Tabac, but the stick form is a bit different for me. I've used glycerin (QED) shave sticks before but this differs as it is a harder soap. Also, your face has to be rather wet as the stick tends to dry and and get sticky as you rub it on. Also it was more of an effort to get the water and soap ratio right using it this way. But with a little work I was able to get great lather and a very Tabac like shave.

The scent? It has some similarities to Tabac, but without the "edge". It has a bit more of a clean soapy smell to my nose.

All in all, a darn good soap and likely to sit in my rotation, although not quite as often I suspect as my Tabac puck.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
With mine, I cut three thin slices and stuck them to the bottom of my bowl and I'm lovin' it.

Thanks again, Chris!
I wish they made this in a soap puck like Tabac.

I wish there wasn't so much difficulty getting it into the US market. There's demand for it at a much higher price than they sell if for in Germany, but apparently the distributor (or maybe M&W?) is difficult to deal with. IM is one of my favorites too.

I've just been dipping the end of the stick into my shaving water and rubbing on my face a little bit for each dip. It takes surprisingly little to face lather.

That is my way too; effortless face lathering :001_smile

The dutch shaving shop sells this, never tried it but will next time i order from them.

Do that for it is as good as Tabac with a better (YMMV) scent.

We are lucky with Paul Kox around; the shave stick is officialy not (yet) for the dutch market and he needed several months to convince the dutch importer to send him some sticks.
I've just been dipping the end of the stick into my shaving water and rubbing on my face a little bit for each dip. It takes surprisingly little to face lather.

That's what I do with all my sticks.

I really like the IM - Tabac quality shave in a milder scent that I prefer to the Tabac.
Sometimes I rub my shave stick over my face--a good stiff growth of beard seems to pull off just enough soap to work up a killer lather. Lately (for no good reason), I've been just rubbing my brush around the end of the shave stick. Seems to produce exactly the same results.
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