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My incoming Ozuku **Jnat Pr0n**

I purchased this Ozuku the other day, hopefully it's on its way now...




It is 147 x 80 x 25 and described as being very hard and very fine.
The new stone arrived yesterday and I put her to a test last night. I took two razors to the hone. First was my Manaslu M-55 (had to be a Japanese razor). The other was a DT13 Filarmonica.

With both razors, I started with a shave ready edge that I'd already shaved with. I wanted to test the difference in the edge feel. I used the same procedure on both of them with the new stone:

10 laps with light meijiro slurry
20 laps with light tomonagura slurry
10 laps with water

I used the Manaslu this morning and it had an incredibly smooth edge. I can't say it was necessarily sharper, but certainly more smooth on the skin. I'm thinking I like the new stone!
Similar stone from Maxim as well:
http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthread.php?t=172854&page=4 (post #69).

Ultra smooth, very fine-grained, and just terrific feedback. Did I say smoooooth? :ihih: Definately has a much more narrow range of use than my Iwasaki. Unless the blade is nearly done, this hone won't help (maybe with the proper nagura...). I work on refreshed slurry, perhaps finishing on a very dilute slurry - seldom water alone.
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