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My fourth BBS shave with blades from Walmart!

I usually only get one BBS shave and then one barely tolerable shave out of most of my blades, like my Feathers and Dorcos. The $1.79 Wilkinson Sword blades from Walmart have actually given my 4 great shaves so far, lets see what tomorrow brings. Dare I ask a DE blade to give me 5 BBS shaves, here's hoping. By the way, all of the shaves took place with a Gillette red tip.:thumbup:
Compared to the Iridium's their no Iridium's but close enough for me at under 2 bucks a pack I get 4 good shaves and still come out cheaper so I've started the pick up a couple packs when I'm in there and today reached the 100 blade mark so they are now my go to blade.
I bought 10 packs of 'em! :thumbup1:

Love the Wal-Mart Wilkinsons!
Very comparable to Thai Super Thin and Red Pack Personna.
Sharp, smooth and long lasting. Best blades WM has carried since the old Schick blades of a decade ago.
Shaved with a Walmart Wilkenson today, very good shave, probably as good as Red Persona, slightly better than a Derby.

Very nice blade. Nice to have locally available quality product.

- Mike
I have used a few also...nice clean shaves,no problems , I'm sure the quality of the shave will depend on what razor it is loaded into...nice price for good blades...I think walmart may have a direct "deal" cut to sell these blades in their stores with this specific wrapper...I sure hope one day I will find these in the local 99 cent store next to the personnas and dorcos...
Well I managed to coax a fifth BBS shave out of the same blade! I'm telling you....2 is the average number of shaves that I get from a blade and only the first shave is BBS quality. These are the best blades that I have ever used and if I know Walmart....they'll quit carrying them, that's what they do with every great buy that they've had so far. Yes, I will try against all odds tomorrow to get a sixth BBS shave, the shaves are taking a little longer as the days go by but no razor burn and no irritation so far. Wow I bought these over a week ago and i'm still on the first blade.:thumbup: These blades are a perfect match for the red tip.
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