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My first two weeks

Hello Gents,

I just got my first straight two weeks ago and it has been a great (learning) experience.

The first shave was interesting, lots of pulling and tugging all due to my poor technique. I did not cut myself and I saw whiskers on the blade, so in theory I must have cut some of those, but it looked like I hadn’t shaved :confused: Decided to call a single “pass” with no cuts good enough and made myself presentable with a DE.

A few days later, I was starting to feel comfortable with stropping, until I put reasonably large nick at the top of my strop. Thankfully it was a practice strop from Tony Miller, best $7.50 I ever spent. A little sanding and it was back in use, without having to feel terrible about the whole thing.

The next few days got slowly better, less tugging with each shave as my technique improved. Then the magical shave (#5) I finished with the straight (still just one pass) and didn’t have to clean up with the DE! I was surprising proud of what was a pretty mediocre shave! I have not used a DE since day 5 with a straight.

I’m still climbing that learning curve but every shave gets better. After two weeks I can do a two-pass shave and it is not half bad, no more pulling or tugging. Not quite DFS yet but getting pretty close. I’ve nicked myself twice in all but nothing that required a styptic pencil so I’m declaring it a successful start.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the people on the B&B for all of the helpful information. I have been reading a lot and it has been a big help!


Ps. Now my search begins for a finishing hone…
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