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My First Try with the GEM OCMM

SE Folks... I posted in some other (old) threads that I just received a 1930's (?) GEM open comb Micromatic as a birthday gift from my daughter. Being a Gillette DE guy, I knew nothing about SE razors and use. I searched here and asked the community for insights. I ordered a 10-pack of Gem Blue Star blades from WCS. Ackvil suggested I read these threads
http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...re#post2927690, http://badgerandblade.com/vb/showthr...ips?highlight=, and watch MrGuy's video on using the Gem: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUG2B_-D0d4

I followed that advice and I'm glad I did! Thanks Ackvil and MrGuy!!! Today was the day. Maiden voyage with my GEM! I think a little apprehension and fear/respect was a good thing. I had an IV standing by and my phone ready to speed dial 911.

I loaded up a blade in the OCMM, built a careful lather with my Semogue 1800 and slowly and carefully went for the first pass. Now I know what MrGuy was saying about the blade feedback, hearing the blade cut the stubble. Nothing like with a DE. The blade does indeed "tell" you when you have the correct angle. I know with DE shaving we say "no pressure or light pressure". With this razor and blade.... NO PRESSURE means NO PRESSURE!

First pass WTG, N-S: I swear I think the neighbors could have heard the stubble cutting. I got an acceptable angle and the reduction went very well. I literally used NO pressure and that is great advice. The weight of the GEM and almost Draconian blade exposure did the rest. (I don't think I will ever try a straight!). I followed with a second pass WTG and then a very light third pass XTG and called it good. I would say the first run was a SAS and I had 2-3 nicks but they were on blemishes or bumps. No blood-letting!

I think I will stay with the GEM for 3-4 more shaves and see if I can improve and get to DFS. I forgot to ask and haven't seen anyone say... About how many shaves should I expect out of a blade (Gem Blue Star)? I know with DE blades we can safely expect 3-5 shaves. Also, any other recommendations on blades or am I good with the Gem blade?

I don't know if the OCMM will be my daily go-to razor but I sure may keep it in the stable and take it out for a slow romp around the pasture a few times each year!
I think I will stay with the GEM for 3-4 more shaves and see if I can improve and get to DFS. I forgot to ask and haven't seen anyone say... About how many shaves should I expect out of a blade (Gem Blue Star)? I know with DE blades we can safely expect 3-5 shaves. Also, any other recommendations on blades or am I good with the Gem blade?

I get almost 2 weeks out of the GEM stainless PTFE coated SE blades. Around a week out of the Treet carbon blades.

I would recommend the GEM stainless PTFE coated blades. They are very smooth and comfortable and last a good long while.
Thank you all. I will check Walgreen's first. I used the Gem again over the weekend and learning "the touch". I trying to figure if I am getting some tugging or if that is just the way the Gem with the Blue Star blade feels. Does anyone know if the coated blade is smoother than the Gem Blue Star. Any way, I will keep using and perfecting my shave with the OCMM.
Hello "GEMinis"! As a matter of a quick update on my SE, OCMM journey... After using the GEM for about 4 shaves I went back to a DE in my Slim. I think that my time on the GEM actually improved my overall "touch" and technique and the result was a better shave with the Slim. What's up with that? Now to find some of those coated blades....
The GEM Blue Star are carbon steel and if you don't dry them well after each shave they'll quickly rust. I like the Walgreens blades the best, but to each his own. Tom likes the Blue Star blades best I think.
Yea, I saw rust when I changed out the first blade. Next time I will open the head after each shave. I will use the Blue Stars until I locate the coated SS blades.
Walgreens is starting to carry GEM blades in my area. It cost more than CVS's brand blade but it is well worth it.
I get almost 2 weeks out of the GEM stainless PTFE coated SE blades. Around a week out of the Treet carbon blades.

I would recommend the GEM stainless PTFE coated blades. They are very smooth and comfortable and last a good long while.

The GEM Coated SS Blades are great,and yes they last...how long depends on which razor I'm using but it's quite a few days,nice and sharp and no worries about rust.Walgreens has them for getting started out then as others have said there's deals out there when ordering.
I should have guessed that one SE will lead to another, and then.... Oh well, my DE aquisition disorder has subsided. I have about 3 years worth of blades, soaps, creams, a razor for every day of the week. Now I'm cruising the bay for SE deals. I just won these:


A Trio of Vintage Pat'd 1912 Safety Razors: Star, Ever-Ready & Gem Junior

The listing says "1912" patents but I suppose they could be 1912-1929. Does anyone know anything about these?

In celebration, I think I will give my Micromatic another run tomorrow!
I should have guessed that one SE will lead to another, and then.... Oh well, my DE aquisition disorder has subsided. I have about 3 years worth of blades, soaps, creams, a razor for every day of the week. Now I'm cruising the bay for SE deals. I just won these:


A Trio of Vintage Pat'd 1912 Safety Razors: Star, Ever-Ready & Gem Junior

The listing says "1912" patents but I suppose they could be 1912-1929. Does anyone know anything about these?

In celebration, I think I will give my Micromatic another run tomorrow!
All great shavers. They look to be in nice shape too. Many hardcore SE fans prefer the 1912s. You might want to try the GEM Damaskeene variant at some point as well.
I agree... the DAMASKEENE has a slightly different angle and even improves on the regular 1912 in my opinion. My favorite razor after my lathercatcher that Bob made a handle for... DAMASKEENE 1912s are great!
Oh great! You both planted a seed so now I will be on the hunt for a Damaskeene! I will have to try all the 1912s I'm waiting on. Do you think I will see a difference between those and the OCMM? I'm still not loving the shave although I am still taking it very easy. I don't know if it is me, the razor, or the Gem Blue Star (carbon) blade.... Or all of the above. But. it just feels that like every stroke is tugging and not cutting. I'm hoping to find the SS coated blades and see if that is the difference in the Micromatic. I'm not giving up, just wondering.
... I'm still not loving the shave although I am still taking it very easy. I don't know if it is me, the razor, or the Gem Blue Star (carbon) blade.... Or all of the above. But. it just feels that like every stroke is tugging and not cutting. I'm hoping to find the SS coated blades and see if that is the difference in the Micromatic. I'm not giving up, just wondering.

I know what you mean. When I first tried an OCMM, it just seemed really aggressive and somehow draggy at the same time. My solution: a VERY low angle of attack--much less than the average DE, for instance. Once I found the sweet spot as far as angle goes, that OCMM turned into a great shaver. If you haven't tried this already, give it a try and see if it works for you too.
Oh great! You both planted a seed so now I will be on the hunt for a Damaskeene! I will have to try all the 1912s I'm waiting on. Do you think I will see a difference between those and the OCMM? I'm still not loving the shave although I am still taking it very easy. I don't know if it is me, the razor, or the Gem Blue Star (carbon) blade.... Or all of the above. But. it just feels that like every stroke is tugging and not cutting. I'm hoping to find the SS coated blades and see if that is the difference in the Micromatic. I'm not giving up, just wondering.

Have you watched this video about shaving with the OCMM? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUG2B_-D0d4 In my opinion, the DAMASKEENE shaves with a smoother feel but still a close shave. I think the Blue Star blades are good, but I prefer the Walgreens GEMs, just my preference.
Welcome to the Gemocracy!

I get almost 2 weeks out of the GEM stainless PTFE coated SE blades. Around a week out of the Treet carbon blades.

I would recommend the GEM stainless PTFE coated blades. They are very smooth and comfortable and last a good long while.

+1 I call the Blue Star blades the Vega of the shave world for their propensity to rust.

BTW, you may want to also check out on the other MicroMatics, the "Guiding Eye" and the Clog-Pruf.
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