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My first Toggle shave!

I scored a nice toggle off the bay last week, and finally got the chance to shave with it tonight.

As a precursor: I've shaved with over 30 different razors so far, including many other adjustables, but this is my first toggle. My main rotation includes an Aristocrat jr (my fav!), a fatboy, an EJ DE89, and a Muhle Pinsel OC.

So on to the review:
The fit and finish are superb. It is slightly heavier than a standard fatboy, and has a great balance. The shave was very comparable to a fatboy overall. I did 2 passes; one on setting 3, then my second pass on setting 4. I was able to get a DFS with just the 2 passes (WTG, XTG). Overall though, it still doesn't hold up to my Aristocrat Jr. The Jr. is just in its own league as far as a smooth and mild razor goes. The hair on my chin is extremely coarse, and even the highest settings on most gillette adjustables have a bit of trouble cutting without skipping. The Jr. Is usually able to glide pretty easily through the sequoia-like stubble like a seasoned lumberjack.

The only issue I do have with the toggle is the grinding that happens when flipping the toggle lever. I feel like every time I flip the lever I am scraping away the finish on the top of the lever. I suppose its more of an OCD thing than anything. Either way, the toggle will be replacing the fatboy in my main rotation. The shaves are very comparable, but the look and finish (and cool "rare" factor) of the toggle are enough to knock the fatboy from the lineup.
I love the Toggle! I see you use an Aristocrat Jr. too. That's a fantastic razor as well.
The Aristocrat Jr. is my current travel razor because any blade I put in it works great.

I can't say that about any other razor, even the Toggle.
But the Toggle wins for cool factor all day long.
The Toggle is sought after due to it's rarity, and it's unique look. Not necessarily because it provides for a unique, or superior shave. Everything I have read indicates it shaves identical to a Fatboy.
Nice review. However I'd have to disagree with you on the balance part. To me it was to top heavy more weighted like a miniature boat anchor. There's no weight on the bottom. I'm glad you enjoyed it though as it's a beauty. Pics next time:p
The Toggle is sought after due to it's rarity, and it's unique look. Not necessarily because it provides for a unique, or superior shave. Everything I have read indicates it shaves identical to a Fatboy.

This was pretty much my conclusion as well.

As for the balance, I found the the way I held the handle to be a bit different than a fatboy, and it allowed me to use less pressure than in normally would. Rxonmymind is correct about it being more top heavy, but it seems to work well for this razor.
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