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My first Thiers Issard and I'm sending it back.

I'm following it Ronnie. I'm glad that everything seems to turn out to the best. Revisor makes nice razors. Their 6/8 thumb notch razors are very similar to the Dovo Bismarck razors in every aspect. I know that you like your Bismarck razors. I have one Revisor thumb notch with a golden spine and 'Revisor' engraved into the spine I can recommend the razor but the gold on the spine fades fast. I've read that at least one other member have had the same experience.

Thanks for the review on the Revisor you have, but since my sweetie felt bad about the lousy TI, I am now able to spend a few extra $ on an 8/8. Probably the one with the blue etching. It has no goldwash at all. I like big blades so I thought I would give one of these monsters a try.
Thanks for the review on the Revisor you have, but since my sweetie felt bad about the lousy TI, I am now able to spend a few extra $ on an 8/8. Probably the one with the blue etching. It has no goldwash at all. I like big blades so I thought I would give one of these monsters a try.
Great that you've found a razor that you like. To me those minster razors a bit scary. The smaller the better.
Glad you're getting your money back and that the vendor (finally!) did the right thing.

Just be clear, the vendor isn't "doing the right thing". The CC company is taking the money out of his merchant account because I proved to them that I was taken. I'm sure he isn't a happy camper.
Just be clear, the vendor isn't "doing the right thing". The CC company is taking the money out of his merchant account because I proved to them that I was taken. I'm sure he isn't a happy camper.

Oh, I misunderstood. Well, good on your CC company for coming to the rescue! Thanks for clarifying; it does help us know where to avoid spending our money.
I will more than likely not be dealing with these folks anytime soon, it's good your getting your $$ back, it's a shame on TI quality issues as I had planned on saving my pennies to get one but may have to rethink that and I surly will be looking at the return policy of companies.
This is only the 3rd brand new, never used razor I have ever bought out of a collection of around 100 razors now. My wife wanted to give me a straight razor for Christmas. Having never shaved with a TI, I wanted to treat myself to a new one. Ordered it early in December to have it for Christmas. Got it right away and my wife wrapped it and put it under the tree sight unseen. I excitedly unwrapped it on Christmas morning and my heart sank when I saw it.

In the ordering comments/instructions, I specifically asked that it not be honed as I wanted to do it myself. I have 100+year old razors that have been honed for decades with less hone wear and I have kitchen knives with smaller bevels. My Starret straight edge shows a slight frown. I won't name the retailer until I see how they fix this, but I was disappointed and needed to vent. It is even worse than the phone camera picture shows. Thanks for listening.

I don't think that looks bad at all. You should see the bevels and grinds on my 2 $400+ TI 7/8's I have. It won't affect the performence one bit and they shave as well as any.
I don't think that looks bad at all. You should see the bevels and grinds on my 2 $400+ TI 7/8's I have. It won't affect the performence one bit and they shave as well as any.

Well, it's a moot point now. It was sent back. The CC company gave me back my money and I bought an awesome "Revisor" 8/8 with Horn scales for just a few bucks more. Oh, and it had an beautiful grind and shaves as well as any. Thanks for your input.
1. TI's have always had quality issues. Believe it or not, they're now WAY better than they were a decade ago. You used to see them with horrible pin jobs and awful finishing - stuff that would make you cringe. That said when they're good, they're amazing. TI makes exceptional shavers and their steel is really special.
2. The vendors actions are really poor. You should report them to the BBB.
You know what that looks like to me - it looks like somebody got after that razor (which IIRC TI's are pretty thin behind the bevel) with way too much pressure while honing, which doubled the width of the bevel. I've seen this happen on razors with .003" - .004" thick steel behind the bevel - it's very easy to flex quite a lot when that thin.
T-Is are really hit or miss. If you get a good one...life is super. If not, things can be problematic. I have owned 3 T-I razors. Only one was without issue.

When it was time to replace a T-I razor which was stolen, I figured I would just up the stakes some and go with a US artisan crafted razor. If there were any shortcomings on that purchase, I knew the maker would be more than willing to make the necessary corrections di-di-mao.

Many of the quality vendors selling name brand production razors will behave in like fashion. The way I see it, there isn't much you can do WRONG when you are in the market for a well-made contemporary straight. Now vintage razors and/or on-line auction sites?? You're pretty much on your own unless you have vetted out the seller pretty thoroughly and/or know EXACTLY what you want.
T-Is are really hit or miss. If you get a good one...life is super. If not, things can be problematic. I have owned 3 T-I razors. Only one was without issue.

When it was time to replace a T-I razor which was stolen, I figured I would just up the stakes some and go with a US artisan crafted razor. If there were any shortcomings on that purchase, I knew the maker would be more than willing to make the necessary corrections di-di-mao.

Many of the quality vendors selling name brand production razors will behave in like fashion. The way I see it, there isn't much you can do WRONG when you are in the market for a well-made contemporary straight. Now vintage razors and/or on-line auction sites?? You're pretty much on your own unless you have vetted out the seller pretty thoroughly and/or know EXACTLY what you want.

ive had a pretty good success rate of vintage unless the seller is obfuscating or omitting pertinent info. i guess my experience just doesnt seem to line up. its buyer beware if you dont know what you are looking for, but that is any used or even new item.
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