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My first straight "shave"

So my Oleander and Filly arrived yesterday from Ambrose :thumbup1:

The previous night I'd been mucking around with an old blunted/unrestorable Gotta I had hanging around trying to work out angles etc.....

Well let me tell you , that was a waste of time :001_tongu

The difference between mucking around with a blunt straight and then holding a well honed razor near you is dramatic. That being said I didn't have the hesitation I thought I would.

My plan this morning was to do a few WTG passes and see how it went. It's definitely not easy.

My biggest issue is being able to hit the right direction to get WTG ( or any direction for that matter ) and to try and maintain a good blade angle and to be able to see what you're doing still in the mirror.

I think I did Houdini proud with some of my contortions.

So I managed a few "passes" ( and I use that term very lightly ), there were whiskers in the lather so I was at least cutting something !.

A few different passes directions were easy, other directions very hard.

The razor made a really nice "raspy" sound ( I can see why ppl say SE shaving is similar ) and I found by contorting my face in different ways I could hit really good angles in some areas, but other areas no matter what I did the razor "pulled".

Tried left handed, but didn't have the co-ordination or control I would have liked.

In the end after about 3 "passes", started feeling irritation kicking in, so since I had to get to work ( and look presentable ), grabbed the #58 and finished up with that. Only took 1 pass and a touchup, so the straight was doing something :001_smile

3 very small nicks was the only damaged done !

This is going to take some time ( something that's a bit precious in the mornings ), but I'm down at "The Shack" on holidays for the next couple of weeks and if worse comes to worse might have to resort to evening shaves.

Further updates to follow.

All GSL members, you can tell the Ambulance crew to stand down :wink2:
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Sounds like a great first shave, glad to be apart of it :thumbup1:

Try to use a scything and guillotine stokes carefully though. Use as low of an angle as you can.
Congrats! I know what you mean about the contortions. I'm still figuring out the best way to reach all the areas of my face. The shaves are getting better but I don't think I'll be getting style points any time soon.
hey congrats Fidjit.

I am only about 15 shaves in myself, so could totally relate to your post!

Although it probably doesn't matter for the holidays, i can recommend the evening shave (if you can get away with not looking entirely clean shaven the next day). It takes the pressure off - there is already enough to focus on without the clock also.

Congrats to you. I know where you are coming from as I have only tried three shaves thus far. It does get easier as you go along so don't get discouraged.
Shave Number 2

Well, I'm back again, no trip to the haemotologist ( or morgue ) so I classify this as another successful straight shave :001_smile

Decided to go with a glycerin Conk instead of the Tallow Tabac to get a bit more slipperiness.

Again about three passes before irritation really kicked in.

This morning I concentrated on holding the razor. Rather than using the "traditional" holds as per SRP I just held the razor however was comfortable and allowed me access to the part of my face I was shaving. This seemed to be much easier.

Still only right handed and I must admit in some places I actually didn't worry about the grain, just actually shaving that area which ever way I could ( which is probably why the irritation :blush:).

To me the cheeks and neck went really well and I don't think it'll be too long before I've got those areas down pat. The upper lip and chin however are another matter. These are also the areas I'm getting nicks and cuts. Think it's because I can flatten my neck and cheek areas well but not so much on the lips and chins.

Finished off the the #58 again and only one pass and touchup , so again from inspection of the lather in the sink and the post DE shave I know some hair's coming off in the straight process :001_smile

I'm off air for the next couple of weeks , but I'll keep at it !

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all !!!!!!!!
congrats on your first of many, in a few weeks you will be saying what was all the fuss about & more RAD sets in :thumbup1:
Try not to sweat using both hands. Do it as you feel comfortable and it starts to come to you. I was really surprised this morning to look in the mirror and realize I had just done my entire right side with my left. Completely unconsciously, just happened that way.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Well done mate! I missed the thread yesterday but I was about to get on the spirit of Tassie to get some medication (Larks distillery) next to your place and get there with the Ambulance...

Can't wait to see shave #3!
So....shave number 12 ( yes there's been a big update hiatus , been down the holiday home, no internet, mobile( cell ), or landline. Absolutely heavenly !! :001_smile Of course that's meant I haven't had the support of my B&B brethern, but hey....... )

Shaved with the straight every day as I've had time on my hands. No DE touchups. :wink2:

My progress:

I can shave downwards on my entire face.

I can shave upwards on all parts except my upper lip.

I can do a ear inwards pass on all parts except my upper lip and my "forward" neck area.

Can do a couple of areas with my left hand.

Found that different parts of the blades work best of different parts of the face.

So all in all, my shaves aren't too bad. Still getting a few nicks and cuts when not paying attention and they're no worse than any nicks or cuts I got when I first started DEing.

Definitely not yet BBS and my upper lip really needs some work to figure out but the neck and chin area are SAS ( even my top lip )

I think my stropping must be up to scratch as the razor still seems just as sharp as the day Ambrose sent it to me :001_smile

I've got two weeks of work then going overseas on holiday again, so I'll be straighting and then perhaps DE finishing for work and then back to full straight shaving again for 3 weeks.

More updates to follow !!!
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Found that different parts of the blades work best of different parts of the face.

I think this is an overlooked bit of advice for new straight shavers. Makes a big difference when you start using the blade in different manners for locations.
Shave 13, and not actually unlucky but.......

Given I had to work today, I was a bit pushed for time. After 2 weeks of leisurely straighting, having a time constraint really didn't feel nice.

In addition I put a BIG nick/cut into my strop ( I'm not even sure how it happened, somehow a lap happened with the edge facing :confused1 ). Not sure if it's fixable, I'll have a play with it and probably post to see what best course of action is.

Definetly NOT the best straight shave I've had, but still not a bad one.

This was my big concern with using a straight whether I had the time in the mornings. Don't forget the kids are on holidays too, so no pressure to get them to school :sad:

I'll keep perservering , as I mention I've got 3 more weeks of holidays coming up.

What was weird to me this morning was I finished up with the #58. The straight vs DE now is like a Hummer H2 vs a Lotus Esprit, a Harley Fatboy vs a Ducati Supermotard, a Broadsword vs a rapier. I can zip around my face without having to worry about cuts or nicks.... I think if anything, using the straight has at least improved my DE skills :001_smile
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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Shave 13, and not actually unlucky but.......

Given I had to work today, I was a bit pushed for time. After 2 weeks of leisurely straighting, having a time constraint really didn't feel nice.

In addition I put a BIG nick/cut into my strop ( I'm not even sure how it happened, somehow a lap happened with the edge facing :confused1 ). Not sure if it's fixable, I'll have a play with it and probably post to see what best course of action is.

Definetly NOT the best straight shave I've had, but still not a bad one.

This was my big concern with using a straight whether I had the time in the mornings. Don't forget the kids are on holidays too, so no pressure to get them to school :sad:

I'll keep perservering , as I mention I've got 3 more weeks of holidays coming up.

What was weird to me this morning was I finished up with the #58. The straight vs DE now is like a Hummer H2 vs a Lotus Esprit, a Harley Fatboy vs a Ducati Supermotard, a Broadsword vs a rapier. I can zip around my face without having to worry about cuts or nicks.... I think if anything, using the straight has at least improved my DE skills :001_smile

Don't worry about your time Ian, it will eventually go down as you build confidence. I used to take up to an hour. I now use half that time!
Shave #14

Hokay, woke up late for work this morning but thought "ahhh stuff it"........:001_tt2:

Something went right today, but because I changed so many variables I'm not sure what it was.

1. Did about 50 laps on the strop last night before going to bed ( normal )
2. Used Tabac ( never used with straight )
3. Did about another 20 laps this morning after applying first lather ( and put another huge nick into my strop :sad: ) ( extra laps, extra prep )
4. Used much shorter strokes ( for entire shave not just some )
5. Managed to do a few extra areas with my left hand ( non dominant )

So it could have been the lather, it could have been the slightly better and longer prep or it could be the extra stropping or could have been my technique.

That being said, 3/4 through the second pass there was a knock on the bathroom door and wifey wanted to come in to get ready . Things were going along so well I let here in....she started "yapping" to me and from then on it went downhill fast. Big nick on my chin from an upwards and a big nick on my upper lip from a EW pass.....

So in the end finished up ( pass 3, single pass only ) with the #58 ...............

Have to get up much earlier tomorrow morning and try to emulate the (good part of ) this morning shave.
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Wow sounds like you are coming along!

I always strop before and after a shave. Your first strop always gets cut and nicked so dont worry about it too much. Props for using the left hand as well I do the same and it really helps. I think its your overall technique on everything thats improving. :thumbup1:
i think using both hands is important from the start, because if you dont now, everytime you shave will be more of a difference between the hands, and at what point will you give up great dominant-hand shaves for terrible non-dominant-hand shaves? :001_smile if they both evolve from terrible to great together, it has to be easier in the long run. that's my theory anyway :001_smile

congrats on the progress :001_smile


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
Shave #14

Hokay, woke up late for work this morning but thought "ahhh stuff it"........:001_tt2:

Something went right today, but because I changed so many variables I'm not sure what it was.

1. Did about 50 laps on the strop last night before going to bed ( normal )
2. Used Tabac ( never used with straight )
3. Did about another 20 laps this morning after applying first lather ( and put another huge nick into my strop :sad: ) ( extra laps, extra prep )
4. Used much shorter strokes ( for entire shave not just some )
5. Managed to do a few extra areas with my left hand ( non dominant )

So it could have been the lather, it could have been the slightly better and longer prep or it could be the extra stropping or could have been my technique.

That being said, 3/4 through the second pass there was a knock on the bathroom door and wifey wanted to come in to get ready . Things were going along so well I let here in....she started "yapping" to me and from then on it went downhill fast. Big nick on my chin from an upwards and a big nick on my upper lip from a EW pass.....

So in the end finished up ( pass 3, single pass only ) with the #58 ...............

Have to get up much earlier tomorrow morning and try to emulate the (good part of ) this morning shave.

Don't worry about it, it will get better...

Pain heals. Chicks dig scars. Glory... lasts forever.
i think using both hands is important from the start, because if you dont now, everytime you shave will be more of a difference between the hands, and at what point will you give up great dominant-hand shaves for terrible non-dominant-hand shaves? :001_smile if they both evolve from terrible to great together, it has to be easier in the long run. that's my theory anyway :001_smile

congrats on the progress :001_smile

I agree, I absolutely have to use both hands with my straight. Its hard to image shaving with one using only either the right or left hand, I can't see how people who do so can get the right angle. :blink:
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