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My first straight razor!

Glad to bought this just now, very nice teak wood handle with stainless steel body.
Going for the 1st shave tomorrow morning! :biggrin1:



Just had a shave with this razor this morning.
Using the usual Omega boar brush with Omega shaving cream, this razor preform miracles. Just 2 pass and its Baby smooth skin! The weight and balance is very good and I think Feather had spent alot of time on this. The blade just cut without pulling back and there's a sound of it being cut (the feedback is nice!). Amazing shaver! :thumbup:
Best shave in my life!

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Be sure the get all the moisture wiped off that blade. In fact strop it on linen for a few strokes before putting it away. Singapore is a humid place so it's not uncommon for good razors to become rusty easily. If you have some oil you might want to apply some just in case.

I just checked out www.Hairizon.com.sg and just realized that this razor used disposable blades! I didn't even notice this at first. Wow Feather did a great design job on this razor!
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I got moves like Jagger
Be sure the get all the moisture wiped off that blade. In fact strop it on linen for a few strokes before putting it away. Singapore is a humid place so it's not uncommon for good razors to become rusty easily. If you have some oil you might want to apply some just in case.

While I don't own a Feather AC (but I do own 2 straights), I would have thought that you would treat the AC's blade the same as you would a DE or SE blade. I.E. use them a few times and then out they go.

Am I missing somthing? (It wouldn't be the first time) :blink:
just got myself cut just now..just under the nose part.
it's my silly mistakes wrong cutting angle and I got punishment from it! :bored:
yes, the blades are damn sharp!

I still manage to get BBS after that...not bad after all! :thumbup1:
While I don't own a Feather AC (but I do own 2 straights), I would have thought that you would treat the AC's blade the same as you would a DE or SE blade. I.E. use them a few times and then out they go.

Am I missing somthing? (It wouldn't be the first time) :blink:

You are probably correct but depending on the thickness of his beard he might get a week's worth of shaves off one blade or even two weeks if he doesn't shave everyday. That's enough time for the blade to rust...that is if it's made of carbide steel. I am not sure.

just got myself cut just now..just under the nose part.
it's my silly mistakes wrong cutting angle and I got punishment from it! :bored:
yes, the blades are damn sharp!

I still manage to get BBS after that...not bad after all! :thumbup1:

Ouch. Were you doing an ATG swipe or XTG? I find that I have to be really really careful when I do an ATG (upward) swipe under my nose. I actually use two hands to make sure I don't slip and cut myself. Usually I skip out the ATG under the nose and just do WTG and XTG.
You are probably correct but depending on the thickness of his beard he might get a week's worth of shaves off one blade or even two weeks if he doesn't shave everyday. That's enough time for the blade to rust...that is if it's made of carbide steel. I am not sure.

Ouch. Were you doing an ATG swipe or XTG? I find that I have to be really really careful when I do an ATG (upward) swipe under my nose. I actually use two hands to make sure I don't slip and cut myself. Usually I skip out the ATG under the nose and just do WTG and XTG.

XTG I cut at a wrong angle tats it - blood! Not a nick but a small cut!
Still need more practice to use it perfectly.
I do like the shave as it's really shave me well even under my chin (which my DE razor can't). Practice makes perfect! :)
The Feather AS-D1 DE razor with Feather Hi-stainless blades don't really shave me well around my chin area maybe it's too mild or my techniques isn't right?
This Feather AC does a much better job but just need to be extra careful with it!
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