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My first Straight Razor shave

Had my first Straight shave tonight. It went ok. Kind of like my first time fly fishing. I didn't hook myself....

I didn't cut myself, :thumbup: not much in the way of irritation either. Didn't get it as close as I like, probably because I was nervous about the shave. Ended up finishing with my Red Tip SS.

A few things that went against me.

1. my first shave 2. Took my shower just after my kids, so the hot water ran out (don't think I like cold water shaving) 3. My kids were in the bathroom with me watching me shave and bouncing off of the walls 4. Had my glasses on so it was difficult to see when I turned my head, plus it make it difficult to try and stretch my skin.

Did 2 WTG's and one XTG pass. Almost went ATG on my neck. When I went back to the Red Tip, that thing REALLY glided.

It was difficult to gauge my angle I think, again the glasses may have helped with that. I'll definitely keep working on it. Probably going to be a night or weekend project since speed won't be happening.

I just got it back from Larry at Whipped dog for a honing. How often should I strop and how long will a good honing last? I'll probably do this once a week, twice at most
Sounds like it went well, congrats. Most strop 30 before and 30 after. That puts 60 on before ya shave again. If that's all the shaving you will do it should last a loooong time begore touch up. Good luck.
I grade my shaves on two things: how close I accomplished, and how little damage I did. More points are awarded for lack of damage than for closeness. So it sounds like you did just fine, and are off to a good start.
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