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My first straight arrived today

I'm going to have to try reeeeaaallllyyyyy hard to not shave with it tomorrow. I want to wait til Saturday when I'm awake and have some time.

Also, SWMBO is just the most awesome ever. She saw the razor, and after asking me to tell her about it (and patiently listening to me talk), told me that Santa Claus is wondering where he should shop for razors and shaving supplies, if he was thinking about getting into straight razor shaving.
But..try not to sleep next to it....:blink:

I felt like a kid in a candy store when my first straight arrived some years ago..enjoy!
Oh, I already knew that she's awesome. Trust me.

My marriage advice to everyone else, when your wife says she's spending money on something you think is completely ridiculous, pretend like you don't care, even if you do (unless it will bankrupt you). It pays dividends, I will attest. We're careful with money, but I can say this is the product of years of work. It doesn't happen overnight.

That said, I hit the jackpot.

@smalltank- we have two dogs, one of whom would take it and then hide it. I can't sleep next to it. But I want to.
Dovo basic half hollow from TSS. The scales seem a little cheap, but the blade is still a thing of beauty. I wanted something more awesome, of course, but I want to be sure I've got keeping it sharp down pat before I invest in something more expensive.
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