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My First Silvertip-Whipped Dog

Yesterday, I picked up my first Silvertip Badger brush. I had Larry at Whipped Dog make it.

It is 22mmx48mm. I shaved with it this morning. It was a great shave! The brush feels great in my hand and produces lather like a champ.


Bobcat, glad to hear that, should be picking mine up at the P.O. Today, is similar to yours but with 45mm loft.
I see it has their chocolate butterscotch (I mean Burgundy) handle. That's the color of handle of my 30mm Whipped Dog. I really like the color, it has a very regal appearance, but I can't see even a hint of red in it.
You had to do it, didn't you? You just had to put that superbly crafted, absolutely beautiful brush on here for me to see. Now I have to have one. :001_rolle

Happy shaving!

Thanks y'all! Pierce, you are right, it is dangerous having both Larry A. and Gary C. this close, not to mention Rod at Stirling Soaps!

Close, proximity..........that is my excuse!! :biggrin1:


My Gary Carrington "Texas" brush-24x49 Gen 3.5 Synthetic (will be upgraded to new V2 synthetic soon):

Got my brush scuttle three days ago, but the mail was delayed so won't see my WD till Monday. Have to love my other brushes till then.
Five shaves in and liking this brush more every day. I had Larry build one for part of my Secret Santa recipient's package elsewhere.....

Nice Bob, they'll enjoy it. Love the burgundy handle, it's so dark it's almost black cherry.
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I have the WD ivory handle in 22 and 24mm synthetic. On Larry's site the burgundy doesn't look at all like that, more of a flat solid color. Now I wish I would have gotten the burgundy, it's stunning.
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