Well i thought tonight is the night to get a straight shave under my belt so i looked at my 3 shave ready straights and picked on the 1 i had first a western bros, had a shower, prepped my face with st james hot towell treatment, st james pre shave oil and loaded my vulfix up with st james cream (thought i would use the whole st james family) brushed the lather well in and picked up my straight, after looking at the wiki on here i held the razor by the way its shown on the wiki and straight away felt akward but carried on and put the razor to my face and heard the the sound of a staright for the first time, did my cheeks but forgot to pull on my skin so had another go and did okish, but the left hand side blew me as i found left handed to much on my first shave, so did my right hand side of my neck, no cuts which amazed me, though finished of with my merker slant for another 2 passess so in conclusion: i have a lot to learn, holding the razor correctly with both left and right hands, angles of the blade, the position on my arms which seemed to block my vision a bit, holding the whole blade on my face instead of just the end piece, but i cant wait to try it all again tomorrow, though i have to strop for the first time as well now.