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My first shave with an R41

Okay, after having read several reviews and watched a number of youtube videos on the Muehle R41, I decided to plunge in and order one. Many of these reviews warned me what I was getting into: the R41 seems to be one of the most aggressive DE razor on the market and the possibility of my not liking it would be very high. After all, many experienced users claimed to have nicks and cuts with this razor.

To give a little perspective, I started shaving with DE razors just a couple of months ago. Up till then, I used disposable cartridge systems. At this point of time, I have (in the order of acquisition) a Muehle DE89, a Merur 37c slantbar, a Timor and now the Muehle R41. I must say I'm very happy with the Muehle DE89 and Merkur. The Timor is fine but I really need at least two passes to get a good clean shave.

Anyway, I fitted in the Derby blade that came along with the R41 and started my shave. What I noticed immediately was feel of the blade on my skin. But I was careful enough nor to get any nicks or cuts. There was a little razor burn but nothing that my aftershave balm couldn't handle. What really impressed me was the closeness of the shave. I just went for one pass and that did the job! This is simply better than any of the other razors I have! Now that I think of it, I needn't have been frightened of this razor at all. I just think that it is the aura of aggressiveness that surrounds this razor that puts many people off.

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.
Also a relative newcomer with an R41 and my experience pretty much mirrors yours: a little minor damage but an impressively close shave.

I've put my R41 aside for a time until I perfect my technique but I can see that at some point in the future it could well be my "go to" razor.
I started using an R41 about a week ago, and get the closest shaves I have been able to get to date from any DE razor with NO irritation. The next closest is my 37c slant. My guess is people are getting irritation with the R41 because of improper blade angle and too much pressure. I fond the R41 requires a bit of a shallower blade angle. I have one R41 with a Weber handle and another with an iKon handle. makes the stock R41 even better!
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I started with a new R41 a couple weeks ago and I haven't used anything else since. I love the closeness.
I've been experimenting with different blades and find they all seem to work well with it. Not sure of my favorite blade to use in it yet. I even broke out a Derby yesterday which early on in my DE learning I had relegated to the bottom of my blade pile and got a great shave!
If you liked the R41 You will love the Titan H1 Its all Staineless Steel Machined Work Of Art, Shaves just as close as the R41 but without the fear of being nicked so easy or cut so easy. The Perfect Razor if you ask me :eek:)
If on a daily basis you feel it's too aggressive, it makes for a great special function razor. I always shave my upper lip with the R41. Never use a Personna 74 in the R41--unless you have already had all the moles removed on your face.
If you liked the R41 You will love the Titan H1 Its all Staineless Steel Machined Work Of Art, Shaves just as close as the R41 but without the fear of being nicked so easy or cut so easy. The Perfect Razor if you ask me :eek:)
I looked that razor up and it does look like a work of art that's for sure. The price tag scared me quite a bit more than any fear of my R41 though.
I bought a 2011 R41 on BST and when I got it, I loaded up a Feather and went to work. I must say that one must approach it with kid gloves, but it gave a nice shave. This post reminds me that I need to give it a bit more attention than I do. Thanks!!
Congratulations and it is a very effective razor. It was too much for me as i did not find it comfortable at all! i even tried it three times. Hee hee.
Good luck to you with the "beast".
I bought a 2011 R41 on BST and when I got it, I loaded up a Feather and went to work. I must say that one must approach it with kid gloves, but it gave a nice shave. This post reminds me that I need to give it a bit more attention than I do. Thanks!!

I like Feathers as they are definitely sharp. I have a pretty decent complexion but find that if have the slightest pimple or blackheed (mind you I'm 48) it will create a slight weeper. Nothing the final cold water rinse doesn't "erase" but a ding nonetheless. Feathers seem to do that in most razors. But I still get a great shave. I've seen people speak of fear of the Feathers, the Slant and the R41. While I find the Feather and R41 combination demands a bit more time it's still a fine shave. What I don't find terrifying at all is the R41 with most other Blades. If the only blade you've tried the R41 with is a Feather I highly encourage you to try the R41 with other blades. In the morning when I look at all my razors I can't help but choose the R41 as I know the shave will be superb.
At this point of time, I have (in the order of acquisition) a Muehle DE89, a Merur 37c slantbar, a Timor and now the Muehle R41. I must say I'm very happy with the Muehle DE89 and Merkur. The Timor is fine but I really need at least two passes to get a good clean shave.

With your DE89, Slant and R41, you have all your bases covered in regards to a mild, moderate and aggressive razor. There's nothing else out there in the "mild" category that's going to blow away the 89. There's nothing else out there in the moderate category that's going to provide any improvement in regards to shave quality over the Slant. For pure aggression, you're obviously pretty well set with the R41...if anything, if you wanted to dial it back just a bit, pick up a Cadet OC for $25 or so and be done with it.

The only thing missing that might be worth considering would be a nice adjustable. I have the Futur, Mergress and a Slim Adjustable - all are excellent shavers.
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