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My first restore - a modest effort

I don't know if you can even call this a restore. More of a clean up. But I wanted to share my first attempt at breathing new life into an old razor. First, the "before" pics, from the eBay listing:
As you can see, the razor was in pretty decent shape to begin with. There was a fair amount of pitting, and a few spots of rust, so it took me quite a while with the sandpaper to get it cleaned up. As it is, you can see I left some of the biggest pit, and I could have done a much better job of polishing it up with finer grits, but I started to get impatient to try honing it. It took me almost as long to set the bevel (on a DMT 1200) as it did to clean up the blade, and frankly I'm still not certain I got it right. Finished on my tiny la grise, and then did 40 passes each on red and green balsa and leather. It passes the HBHT (hanging badger hair test - I don't have any long enough hairs), and I'm going to try to shave with it tomorrow.:scared:

Thanks for the encouragement! I'm pleased to report I shaved with it yesterday, and it was certainly sharp and smooth enough!

Mike H

Instagram Famous
Congratulations, it is a feeling of satisfaction shaving with a razor you restored yourself.
Nice work. I always struggle a bit with older razors how much of their battle scars to leave.


Thanks! I think there may be some razors I want to shine up to a full mirror finish, but for the most part I'm trying to get a razor from "looks like it's been neglected" to "looks like it's been well used".

I've got a few razors now that need new scales...another rabbit hole!!!:001_tt2:
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