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My first rehab attempt-

This is my first at putting a new knot in an old handle. I found the old Erskine brush in a local junk shop. Large base and a long loft. I got the 24mm boar from Golden Nib and I think it's a pretty good match. The process would be easier with a drill press and the right bits, but I managed with my pocket knife and my Dremel on a tool stand. And next time, be stingier with the epoxy. Still, I think it will be a soap killer. Devcon 2 ton clear epoxy seems to be the ticket. thanks to all for input.:thumbup1:
Nice job! I know what you mean with the epoxy. One of my resto brushes has a little excess of the epoxy at the knot base. Good thing is that it doesn't effect the brush and how it works!
Looks great.
I'm working on my first one as well.
Here is a photo of the handle in progress.

Randall, that is a gorgeous handle. :clap:

I am eager to see it when he's finished.

If that were my 1st restore, I would be very leery of attempting it on such a beautiful handle. I think I might pass it on to someone with more skills.

Do you have some skills along this line ?
Lovely job, that is a nicely proportioned handle. Remember if you go overboard with the epoxy you can remove the part that squishes above the handle rim by combing lightly upwards with a toothbrush dipped in white vinegar. Just keep combing and dipping until you wash away the epoxy. When the rest has set lather up and wash the unreacted epoxy/vinegar residue off.

Works great and takes some of the anxiety out of estimating your glue load.
Looks great.
I'm working on my first one as well.
Here is a photo of the handle in progress.

I really like the design on that one, if you want some advise on finishing the finish as it were I think you would be pleased with the results. If you give it a good buff with 0000 steel wool you'll take of the high points and brush marks. One more coat at the same solution should fill the pores at the base. Buff again with 0000 steel wool and you will have a semigloss finish that will be perfectly smooth and even, If you want a gloss finish thin your varnish with the recommended solvent to almost the viscosity of water and wipe on a final coat after buffing.
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