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My first real brush. Plisson but what kind?

Hello all

Today I received a package. It contained all very lightly used items. There also was a brush with it (a Plisson.)

I just cleaned it and lathered it up with my Tabac soap to let it sit overnight. I noticed the lathering went much faster than with my old brush. (a old unkown badger brush). Now I have seen Plissons from 50 - 1500 euro's. So my question is does anybody have a clue wich one this is?

My guess is one of these


Yep, looks right. The # (10 or 12) determines the knot size. It's been awhile, but I wanna say 10 is 19mm and 12 is 21mm? There's a chart somewhere detailing Plissons sizing.
Thank you Ian. I've found the cart 10 is 20mm and 12 is 22mm. Still the price between them is not important to me. I'm really glad I got this nice brush for a steal. :D
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