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My first Law Final: Contracts

I took my first law final on Monday and WOAH! Have you ever thought you knew what you were getting into, but then had no idea when you got there? Im a 1L at Maine Law and my Contracts Section had a visiting professor from another school. So, there are no finals to look at and his teaching style is completely different from the other professor here that does contracts. The test was a total shot in the dark and I think I bombed because I was totally unorganized with my time and thoughts. The test was three hours with a solid two page fact pattern with no spacing. There were five different contracts with different degrees of complexity. Im just hoping for a C at this point.
As long as you put in there somewhere offer, acceptance, consideration, I think you'll do fine.

Welcome to Law School, all your exams will be this way. By 3L year, you will become enured to the arbitrariness and nonsequitors.

Cheer up. At least its over.
In one there was oral offer and acceptance with an option to buy between to merchants which means its a firm offer under UCC 2-205, needs no consideration, and can be open for a reasonable time and no more than 90 days. I guess I learned something. :blushing:

I like Law School: The professors, my classmates, and the parties, but I hate the exams. Three months in three hours. Seems fair! :001_rolle
Their is nothing wrong with a C in Law school. The 1st year is the hardest, but you will be breezing by the third.
I remember the shell shock of the my first exam (Which incidentally was Contracts). Scared the heck out of me, but you'll be fine. By 3L you'll be biding your time and hoping to get the heck out of there ASAP. My advice, get someone's old Bar Study books and use those with your exam prep. After going through a bar review course the consensus amongst my colleagues was "if they'd taught law school like they teach this course, we'd all be in the Order of the Coif!" Bar reviews direct your learning to the principles you'll apply in the exam, try it you may be surprised. Good Luck!
In one there was oral offer and acceptance with an option to buy between to merchants which means its a firm offer under UCC 2-205, needs no consideration, and can be open for a reasonable time and no more than 90 days. I guess I learned something. :blushing:

I like Law School: The professors, my classmates, and the parties, but I hate the exams. Three months in three hours. Seems fair! :001_rolle

hehehe, that would have been wrong at my law school... we didn't talk about the UCC... we did that in our UCC class. I don't think we mentioned it at all.

Remember... Contracts is a "think 'em" exam, while Torts is a "race horse." And about 1/3 of the time spent should be on outlining and just thinking. BTW, if you felt that you blew the exam, you probably did fine.

My peoples come from Bangor and my uncle is the director of the University of Maine Press. Tell him I said "hi."
hehehe, that would have been wrong at my law school... we didn't talk about the UCC... we did that in our UCC class. I don't think we mentioned it at all.

Remember... Contracts is a "think 'em" exam, while Torts is a "race horse." And about 1/3 of the time spent should be on outlining and just thinking. BTW, if you felt that you blew the exam, you probably did fine.

My peoples come from Bangor and my uncle is the director of the University of Maine Press. Tell him I said "hi."

Wow, this is such a small state! Speaking of Bangor, I got invited last night to visit there for the weekend over break. Thanks for the advice guys.

And you aren't the first person to tell me that. The 2L and 3Ls here told me what classes to get the outlines for. I plan on teaching myself Torts over break.
In my experience the exams I thought I bombed turned out pretty well and the ones I thought I aced turned out terrible.

Just remember this old saying: the students in law school who get A's go on to teach, those that get B's become judges, and those that get C's go on to practice and make all the money...:blink:
Oh man, last year Contracts destroyed me. Exams have a learning curve: next quarter it'll be easier and you'll have a better sense of it all.
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