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My first DE razor Merkur 34C (mini review)

I'm not new to wet shaving, since the first day I have started shaving I used a Mach3 and later I got a Fusion. I have had enough of these expensive over-hyped Gillette shavers. I have ordered a Parker SR1 open razor and a Merkur 34C HD, today I have recieved the Merkur 34C HD and a couple razor blade samples (Derby Extra, Timor, Merkur Super Platinum, Feather NEW Hi-Stainless) combined with Taylor Old Bond Street - Jermyn Street I got my first shave ever with a DE razor.

As my beard grows very fast, and I have thick hair I saw this as a challenge. I loaded the Merkur 34C right away with a Derby blade, I got three passes. One with the hair grow, and two against. I must admit, I never ever had a close shave before with a Mach3 or a Fusion. During the shaving I have not applied any pressure to prevent cuts etc. My beard was already 1CM long, I did that on purpose to see if the Merkur can handle it or not. For my first shave with a DE razor, I have no cuts or burns on my face, still some parts on my face feels like sandpaper, thats my fault for shaving quickly as I wanted to see some fast results. Next time I will take my time for a proper shave, still I'm very happy with the results. The Fusion I have here is NOTHING compared to the Merkur 34C HD, it's the best money I ever have spend in my entire life.

The Merkur 34C HD exists of two pieces. It's feels pretty heavy and the quality its perfect it will outmatch ANY modern cartridge razor. I think this device cannot even be broken, you simply unscrew the top, place a blade in, and you're set off. It's true German quality and super well built.

For some reason I did not like the Derby blades maybe because my beard was 1CM long and I have thick hair. Next blades I will test out are the Feather blades because many people say they're extremely sharp. If these are the perfect blades for me I will buy a batch of them.

For all those young people who use a modern razor, just stop spending your money on those useless razors. They're way TOO expensive, and mostly they're not THAT good as they claim. I buy 4 Fusion cartridges for 12 euro, I get 4 shaves from one cartridge (I have thick hair), shaving can be cheap and with a rewarding result. DE blades are super cheap compared to cartridges, you might get 3 shaves of one blade (2 or 3 passes maybe) and that only for a couple cents.

I have no idea why many youngsters like me shave with those super expensive Gillette razors, it's only a waste of money. I recommend all youngsters to go back to oldskool shaving. I can't wait till I receive the Parker SR1 open razor. Might do a review on that one too.
Welcome and thanks for your review Euro! Yes you have discovered what those of us that are here at B&B have realized also. That DE shaving is much better than shaving using cartridges.

As far as Derby blades go. You will find some people that like them but I think most (myself included) absolutely do not like them. Feathers are my number one blade choice as well. As a good middle ground you could try Astra blades or some Polsilver Iridiums. I think you will find them much sharper than the Derbys so watch your technique and don't push down! I have a Parker 92R myself and I like the way it shaves. If you have a tough beard, you might want to look into the Merkur Slant razors. I also have a tough beard and sensitive skin. The slants were made for that kind of combination and it shaves like a hot knife through butter while being more gentle on my skin than most other razors.
I will use my feather blades next time. Indeed, when I started with shaving my old man told me about DE shaving, but as a stupid teenager I was stubborn and wanted to have a "cool" Gillette Mach3, if I only had listened I would have saved so many money lol.
Glad to hear you liked the 34C, I'm a recent convert to wet-shaving and started with the same. I've found it to be exceptional in both quality and result, and it gives me reasonable peace of mind that if I knock it off the bench that it'll be fine.

Nice review mate.
Great review mate!

I also use a 34C most of the time. My other razor is a Futur (also a sensational razor, but a little more aggressive that the 34C).

My whiskers are quite coarse / thick and grow quite quickly also. I have found that the sharper blades suit me best. You will like the Feather (I can recommend the Gillette 7 O'clock Yellows.) Also of gents also love the Blacks, but I have not tried them ... yet.
Great review mate!

I also use a 34C most of the time. My other razor is a Futur (also a sensational razor, but a little more aggressive that the 34C).

My whiskers are quite coarse / thick and grow quite quickly also. I have found that the sharper blades suit me best. You will like the Feather (I can recommend the Gillette 7 O'clock Yellows.) Also of gents also love the Blacks, but I have not tried them ... yet.
I think you have the same whiskers as I do. I have a lot of sample blades, I was doubting which one to use first the Derby or a Feather. Next time I will use the Feather blade. I shaved yesterday with the Derby blade, and I have no razor burns or nicks at all. I think the Derby blades are for people who's whiskers ain't coarse.

I have heard that the Black feathers are the same as the yellow one's. I don't know if its true. This is the first time in my entire life I'm hoping my beard to grow fast so I can shave it off lol.
I have been using feathers in my 34c for about a year now. I have the same coarse beard as you have and the feathers really made a difference. I learned by using Derbys but when my technique got better I found that they pulled way too much.
Merkur HD 34c is a great razor. I use Astra SP's in mine and get a bbs without even trying. My other most used razor is a Gillette Redtip which is also on the agressive side.
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