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My Feather AS-D1 Experience

So, approximately 6 months back I started exploring higher end DE razors. I invested in a Titan M1, an Ikon OSS and a Feather AS-D1. Of those three, the only one I kept was the OSS which is still in my rotation and I love it.

I purchased the AS-D1 here on the BST and was most excited about this one. I love the look of this razor and I figured that the "mildness" was just a myth. I shaved with the razor three times and put it up for sale. I hated it. It simply would not cut my whiskers and during each of my three shaves, I would have to switch out to another razor to finish. I tried every angle and every shaving motion. Nothing worked and I was seriously disspaointed and wondered how anyone could use this razor.

Fast forward to last week when I decided to take a risk and purchased another AS-D1 on the BST. Not sure what made me do this given my previous experience. I'm glad I did. Since it arrived, I have not used any of my other razors. I am getting consistently BBS shaves with this thing with no effort at all. Also, my sensitive skin is healed. No more post-shave irritation, bumps or weepers. I'm in love with this razor.

So my shaving skills have not improved in the previous six months. If anything, they have degraded as I have less time and tend to rush more. I'm thinking that the first one I purchased was defective or something as this new one I received is a completely different experience.

Just sharing for anyone who has had a bad experience with this razor.
I liked the AS D1 but i love the AS D2 it is a nice improvement far easier to use

Based on my new found love of the D1, I was considering the D2 but I just don't think it makes sense for me. I find the D1 extremely easy to use. It just needs a shallower angle, but I'm having no issues with it. Is the D2 that different?
It is different in it doesnt need the shallower angle, the angle is easy to find its a tad more aggressive but still mild if you have the as d1 its prob not worth the $$ but ymmv
Interesting. I have been reading a little more on the D2. I think I'll keep my eyes on the BST but certainly not going to spring for a new one.

Appearance wise, they look exactly the same. Are there any aesthetic differences?
There are some side by side shots here.

I was lucky and picked up mine (AS-D1) used and have learned to get the most amazingly comfortable BBS shaves with it.

I guess Feather let a few clinkers slip out the door early on that added to the controversy surrounding this model.
The very detailed photos and reports on the D2 version make it look like that apart from minor design changes the properties in regards to the shave are nearly identical. Given the Japanese obsession for precision, I almost can't believe that there might be some larger tolerances in the D1 version and either you get a mild shave or insufficient shave. Then the rate of "clinkers" with the D1 might have been pretty high.
Theory is that the new version has even tighter tolerances and all razors should perform exactly the same. I might revisit my D1 at some point of time but I will have no interest in the D2 version at all.
There are some side by side shots here.

I was lucky and picked up mine (AS-D1) used and have learned to get the most amazingly comfortable BBS shaves with it.

I guess Feather let a few clinkers slip out the door early on that added to the controversy surrounding this model.

Thanks for that link! The D2 is obviously shinier but not sure if that appeals more to me.

I do have to agree with you that I am getting some of the best shaves I have ever had out of my D1. I don't see myself reaching for my other razors any time soon. I'm having a lot of fun with it too.
Wow, that link lead to a lot of German. It gave me a headache. However, to the OP, I am really glad that you found a razor that shaves you so well. I think that is ultimately what we are all looking for. Whether it's a $10 razor that does it for you or a $500 razor, the end result and enjoyment is all that matters. I've never really considered the Feather razors because they have a reputation for being so mild, and I like a slightly more aggressive razor. I may have to try one of these one day.

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