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My date story. :)

Story time. :)

I had a lady over to my house a few weeks ago - we had been on a few dates, and this time after dinner at a nice place we decided to go watch a movie at my house.
At some point she used the bathroom, and when she came back out she started asking about my razors. (I have 4 on my counter in a stand, along with my B&B Essentials brush sitting on a stand next to the mirror) She relayed that one of the things she *likes* (and yes, likes as in THAT likes) is to watch a man shave.

I think I just won some sort of lottery.

I mentioned that I was thinking about learning to use a straightrazor and she melted. Spent some time digging thru my various supplies and whatnot (she likes the Penhaligon's Blenheim Bouquet the most, Tabac the least, and thinks AoS sandalwood is spectacular), and then went back out to watch most of the rest of the movie.

Thank you, B+B. I owe some of that evening to you.
blah blah blah ...and then went back out to watch most of the rest of the movie.

Aha - there's the good part! I find that a good straight razor conversation and shave den pawing-through is enough to get my wife to give up part of a move, as well. :thumbup:
She likes Tabac the LEAST???????!!!!!!! :confused1:confused1:confused1

DUMP HER............. FAST!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

To be fair, while it's my favorite performing soap overall, it's by far my least favorite scent. So that works fine. Though she liked Speick, which I never did at first.
Have you taken her out a second time?

We've been out several times. Nothing committed yet. Nice girl, very smart, career ahead of her, cute, etc... but I'm not too far out of a long relationship, and I need some time to get my head straightened out a bit.
Aha - there's the good part! I find that a good straight razor conversation and shave den pawing-through is enough to get my wife to give up part of a move, as well. :thumbup:

I like to paw through my shave den even when I'm alone.
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