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My current collection

Here's what I've managed to collect, spending less than $100 so far. If anyone can help more accurately identify the early razors and the dirty-ish travel razor, I'd be much obliged. (I also have two more on the way...)

1) 2008 Weishi from RetroRazor.com (What started everything off...)
2) 1964 (F4) Gillette Super Speed
3) 1930's Gillette 134 slim handle "NEW"
4) 1969 (O1) Gillette aluminum handle Tech
5) 1948-50 Gillette Super Speed
6) 1957 (C1) Gillette Red Tip Super Speed (aka "Heavy" or "SS3")
7) 1951 (E1) Gillette Tech (Red Cross gift boxed, solid machined handle)
8) 1918-21 Gillette with cracked handle, missing the knob
9) 1964 Gillette Tech head (J1), pocket handle, came in an old tin box lined with velour. Not sure if the head and handle belong to each other.
10) 1964 (J2) Gillette Tech Pocket Set (solid machined handle) in a leatherette pouch.

My wife is currently using the Weishi, I have a Gillette Lady Star in Blue on it's way along with an additional Tech. The '51 Tech pictured was, as far as I could tell, never used, or only used a couple times. Unfortunately there's a little bubbling of the nickel under the bar, as the original owner left a Super Blue blade in it, which started to rust on one corner.

More images of a few of the razors on my blog.
Yep. It is very nice. I've used #'s 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 10 so far. Going back to #5 for a week starting tomorrow. Then possibly #8's head with #3's handle after cleaning it up some more...
And if he's smart he'll take it :D

After that OP, I think you've tried all you need to have tried to get a good experience with DE shaving and it's time to move onto SE ;) . If you think spending as little is possible is good, you'll love the prices that GEMs and ever-readys go for.
If SE GEMs don't float your boat, then go back into trying the more expensive DEs.
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Two, five, seven and ten look to be in very nice shape. I remember when I had ten razors, very good start now keep going.:thumbup1:
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Picked up most of the items in antique malls at about $5 each. :) The '48-50 SS was an eBay item that was under $20 incl. shipping.

I've now added a Lady Star Gillette for the Missus and a gold, no date ball end Tech from Maher (Thanks! - arrived safely!)

Now I have to start deciding which ones I really enjoy using, and which ones I should replace with something else.

Also, since the one travel kit is mismatched, should I put the old head with it instead? The silver finishes appear to match now that I've polished them a little bit.

Hmm... Slim Adjustable...

Next month, have some more antique malls to check out first...
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