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My collection is growing and the wife is worried.

So, I am fairly new to wet shaving. I was initially exposed to this necessity/hobby/obsession when I visited an Art Of Shaving store in Las Vegas. I thought I would never use a DE razor as they suggested, but did like the nostalgia of the brush and cup. However, on the second leg of that trip, I went to Seattle for a wedding. I learned that my uncle had caught the shaving bug some years ago and he gave me a Rooney silver tip brush to inspire me. At the time, I did't realize what he had given me, but now this is something that I will always cherish and has helped spark a bond between us.

Well, now about 9 months later, I have 3 brushes, 8 razors, and several creams/balms/soaps/lotions...etc... And I am usually reading threads on this site as my wife wonders what I am doing.

While the Mrs. has been somewhat supportive of my addiction (actually buying my last DE razor, 1950's black handle Gillette SuperSpeed) she is growing concerned about the space it takes up. I built a display for my razors and other paraphernalia, but it was too big. I also use a tooth brush holder to condense the space my razors take up, but that only holds a few. I currently have a "test tube" rack on order that will hold 6 razors, but again, doesn't contain the collection nor does this leave room for the inevitable expansion.

What do I do?!?! How do y'all (yes, I said y'all, I live in the South) display your shaving collections (razors, blades, soaps, brush, creams, balms, mugs, etc)?
Darnit! That was a perfect typo, and I missed quoting it before you edited. :tongue_sm

Anyway, welcome to B&B! I've seen a lot of creative storage solutions here. I'm sure you'll find some ideas that work for you!
Ha, I know the typo you were talking about. That tends to happen when I get distracted by that glass of wine I'm drinking.
This is some of my collection. The Rooney is the brush on the right.


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Mark, Welcome to B&B.

First of all, very nice display. You've got some great gear.

Secondly, because we are in this for the long term. Here are a few tips.

Get in the habit of casually showing your wife photos of large collections such as Mark1966's excellent photos. These will serve to show her the possibilities as well as put your collection in perspective.

Develop a public collection and a private collection. Out of sight, out of mind. I have shaving supplies stored in my study and in the basement in my workshop, rotating occasionally.

Explain to her the custom of PIF'ing and contests. Express amazement at how often you are benefiting from these wonderful customs.

Share stories of coworkers and friends who collect (guitars, golf clubs, cars etc. etc) rather than vintage razors and brushes.

Over time she will have to acknowledge your improved grooming, better skin and the fact that you smell better.

hope this helps.
I keep no more than one razor out (visible) at a time.
My wife does not need to know how many razors I own and we are both better off if she doesn't know.
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I keep no more than one razor out (visible) at a time.
My wife does not need to know how many razors I own and we are both better off if she doesn't know.


She knows I have a lot, but she has no idea exactly how many. Come to think of it, I'm not sure of the exact numbers involved either....
Welcome to B&B and great collection already. The Gents have offered an excellent tip "the old comparison trick" it's worked for me, even if only in my mind :001_rolle
You want to make the Mrs. feel better? Tell her to imagine that blue tip SS of yours...multiply it by 11...and add two more cased blue tips. That's obsession. And that's what my poor wife has to put up with.
Welcome to the forum where more than 90% of voting participants admit they own more shaving gear than anyone else they know.

Almost 30% here claim they could shave for 4 years or more without buying any more shave stuff. 14% could shave for 10 years or more with the stuff they now own.

This place is great for advice and the people are among the friendliest you'll find on the net. But please don't expect folks here to dissuade you from buying more than you need. "Acquisition Disorder" is the subject of laughter and encouragement. Many or most who post here have a wife they call SWMBO (she who must be obeyed) and feel the need to hide incoming orders from her!

Think about what your wife is saying--at least give her input equal weight to what you read here--and make up your own mind.
8 razors? I've been at this less than a 3 months and have over 30....RAD has afflicted me big time. If your wife is getting worried about your number of razors, tell her you're getting worried about all her shoes. Maybe she'd like to *pair* down (yeah that happened) her collection to help make room for yours?? :lol:
Welcome to B & B! Your collection of stuff is elegantly displayed. Here's pictures of my shaving den so you can see how I store my stuff. BTW, I am lucky to have my own dedicated bathroom for my stuff. Just in case you are wondering, "Gilligan" is my miniature long-haired dachshund.
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