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My best shave to date

Had an amazing shave last Saturday! :cornut: My friends think I am crazy when I speak of shaving in such a way, but I know you guys get it.

Here is what I used:
I face lathered(I keep going back and forth with bowl lathering) with AOS sandalwood soap and a Semogue 1305 brush, which has turned out to be a great brush after the break in.

I used a new feather blade that was corked 3X on each side in an Edwin Jagger DE89. Finished with WH then Black CO Bigelow ASB.

BBS and not a weeper or hint of redness. This has been very hard for me to achieve often as my face is a bit sensitive. So why was this different? I guess it is just the right combo and a few other factors, YMMV of course.

First, I waited 2 days to shave, that seems to really help.

I think the AOS sandalwood is the best soap I've ever used. Cushion, slickness, lather and scent are superior.

The combo of the EJ and the feathers is just a good fit for me. I know many say Personna Reds and Derbys are more forgiving, but for me they tug too much and just don't feel sharp enough. I found corking the blade really helped on the first shave. I keep trying other blades, and every time I go back to the feathers, I can't believe the difference. So I think I'm done with the blade/razor search.

I really could have used any aftershave as my face felt so good after. I think overall, Aqua Velva classic is my favorite. Anyway just thought I'd share my thoughts, perhaps it will help someone else in their search for the perfect shave. Thanks for all the great advice given here, this is truly a gentleman's forum-
Feathers always assure me BBS and no irritation. Never corked them, though. I also have the ASB by CO Bigelow, but the original variation (those colored choices are only a year old or so?). Never used it in conjunction with astringent, I'll try that next!
I tried CO Bigelow ASB after astringent today. That is really inviting! I didn't like how the balm didn't help with irritation, but the WH mends that. Put on the ASB after you've put everything away and the WH is all seeped into your pores... really pleasant!
A great shave is always a wonderful thing, as it says on Jim's sig "A great shave is the start to a great day."
I tried CO Bigelow ASB after astringent today. That is really inviting! I didn't like how the balm didn't help with irritation, but the WH mends that. Put on the ASB after you've put everything away and the WH is all seeped into your pores... really pleasant!

I put on the WH after a warm rinse and let it sit while I clean my gear. Then a cold rinse and the ASB-
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