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My best shave in 4 months

I started wet shaving 4 months ago. You may have seen my listing in the B/S/T; it was a Weber Wave. That was the last safety razor I've owned. I recently ordered another stainless steel razor, and in the interim, had no other safety razor to shave with (thinking I could wait it out).

So today, when the stubble had gotten too long, I decided it had to go. Armed with the Gillete Fusion Proglide I previously used and a can of shaving "goo" (fine, I still have the badger and soap; I just decided to use the shave gel for old time's sake), I had the greatest shave in the 4 months of my introduction to wet shaving. It took 2 minutes at most, and was smoother and milder than all my shaves that I've had in the past 4 months. The shave quality itself was just the same as the Weber+Astra SS combo I've been using.

So I've been thinking, is this Goo/Cartridge combo more than what we give it credit for?

Granted; I will still be going back to wet shaving once it ships. Heck, I've got the few extra minutes every day to shave and it's not like I'd be doing anything better in that time. I switched to wet shaving for a single reason: solidarity. It's the whole unique aspect of wet shaving that got me into it. Had I been living at a time when wet shaving was the norm, (and somehow got my hands on a cartridge) I'd probably be using the cartridge razors for the same reason.

Your thoughts?
They all work fine. The end results you are after is no stubble. How you get there is not all that important.

I've been shaving so long that I never used any canned shave cream/jell and never used a cart razor of any kind. Started with DE and after finding B&B a few years ago branched out into SE and injectors but still have not tried a cart/system or aerosol shave cream.
I never shaved with anything newer than an Atra (1980's technology). I always get a close enough shave with the twin blade razors, and after ten days of DE shaving, I already can tell that I can get just as good a shave with a DE razor.

Maybe a modern Fusion does give a closer shave than older razors indeed (with soap or with gel), but I never felt that my shave was not close enough. And I never felt that the "older technology" was lacking.
Everybody is different. I couldnt get 2 shaves out of acart. Now I use straights. If the carts gave me a good irritation free shave and lasted 7 or 8 shaves I would probably still use them.
I coudn't go back to a MachFusionMultiPowerBlade now. Nothing to do with the shave quality particularly, it was always acceptable - but since switching to a DE razor, my skin has thanked me. No more razor burn, ingrown hairs or spots. Almost like an adult should be :thumbup:
I get closer with DE shaving versus the Atra+ system I used before. Granted, I was only doing a single pass with the 2 bladed cartridge, but if the cart only gave me 4 shaves, would multiple passes have limited me to 2 passes? I easily get 7 multi pass shaves from a 10 cent Astra SP. Worth it to me.
Everybody is different. I couldnt get 2 shaves out of acart. Now I use straights. If the carts gave me a good irritation free shave and lasted 7 or 8 shaves I would probably still use them.
My Atra carts did. Well, 7 shaves at most. And no irritation or ingrown hairs for me.

Given the price I bought the cartridges for (20 cents per cartridge), DE shaving probably isn't much more affordable. BUT the cartridges were a one time NOS buy only (Wilkinsons from the 90's), while DE blades are widely available. So, in the end, DE shaving still wins.

I didn't throw out my carts (I also still have a stock of Trac II cartridges), but they are in temporary hibernation, while I am getting the hang of DE shaving :001_smile

Twin blade carts plus DE blades hopefully keep me going for a very long time!

Btw, the "Plus" cartridges do not last as long as the plain ones ... I blame the lubrastrip!
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