Aged Cigars taste different to the equivalent recent production. It is an acquired taste and may not be for beginners. There are auctions for thousands of dollars for Cigars which date pre-embargo. There are very high prices paid for each decade after that. These Cigars have matured in their respective country (Cuba, Hondruas, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua or in the distributors country [i.e., Spain]), and have just been inspected for quality by Habanos or other inspectors and then again, in the distributors humidor.
Why smoke a aged / matured Cigar? Most experts and aficionados state that during the early years (3-5), when Cigars are left to mature, the general flavor and body remains but the nicotine and ammonia slowly disappear. Cigars ‘mellow’ (in strength), and blend with their complex flavors resulting in that subtle complexity (i.e., draw, aroma, combustibility and savor), you can only get from proper aging.
Typically, aging makes a smoother, more pleasant, “round” Cigar. Again, most experts (and I for that matter), agree that aging does not necessarily make a Cigar better, but simply rounder, producing a mellower character with a less sharp and harsh tobacco taste.
To sum up, these Cigars are for connoisseurs and newbie's alike and to them...this is a treat.
Why smoke a aged / matured Cigar? Most experts and aficionados state that during the early years (3-5), when Cigars are left to mature, the general flavor and body remains but the nicotine and ammonia slowly disappear. Cigars ‘mellow’ (in strength), and blend with their complex flavors resulting in that subtle complexity (i.e., draw, aroma, combustibility and savor), you can only get from proper aging.
Typically, aging makes a smoother, more pleasant, “round” Cigar. Again, most experts (and I for that matter), agree that aging does not necessarily make a Cigar better, but simply rounder, producing a mellower character with a less sharp and harsh tobacco taste.
To sum up, these Cigars are for connoisseurs and newbie's alike and to them...this is a treat.
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