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My 1st Restore


Ever Ready 100 Handle
TGN 22 mm Finest Fan xh.
What a fun ,satisfying project.I read the how to's and what fors .For fill I used hot glue, sealed in the knot with marine epoxy and voila! This is the 1st bloom . I set it at 52 mm. It's a face lathering dream. So, next, perhaps a 28 or 30 finest from TGN. Just the sight of it says --yes, you need this brush. Thanks for all the positive encouraging posts from members. Enjoy your lathering!:thumbup:
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Ever Ready 100 Handle
TGN 22 mm Finest Fan xh.
What a fun ,satisfying project.I read the how to's and what fors .For fill I used hot glue, sealed in the knot with marine epoxy and voila! This is the 1st bloom . I set it at 52 mm. It's a face lathering dream. So, next, perhaps a 28 or 30 finest from TGN. Just the sight of it says --yes, you need this brush. Thanks for all the positive encouraging posts from members. Enjoy your lathering!:thumbup:

Good work! Enjoy!
Bravo sir! That handle is really nice and the knot fits it perfectly!
Thank you. The original handle had a knot of abot 16.5 mm , so I used my disc sander and opened the opening up to 22 mm and the knot fit in beautifully.
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