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My 1st. Open Comb

Found this today at lunch. Sorry for the poor quality pics, just wanted to snap a few quick ones to ID it


If I were to guess, I'd say it was a short comb, bar-handle NEW. It appears to be chrome-plated. Also, the razor fits good in the case, so I'm thinking its the correct one for the razor. All the teeth are there, and none are bent. It's in pretty good shape overall. I paid $25.00 for it.

This is my first OC razor, I've always steered clear of them because I have a light beard. I'm hoping this is one of the milder OC's out there, as I'd love to see what kind of shave it gives.
That is a bar handled new. I recently purchased an Otto Roth with a thin handle, but it's the exact same head as the Gillette New. Gillette produced the Otto Roth razors for some time after they purchased the company. Anyhow, you can tell it's a new by the channel down the center of the base plate. There is a corresponding raised lip on the cap which secures the razor blade. The only difference between the one I have and yours is mine is a long comb.

The long comb is "generally" said to be slightly more aggressive than the short comb, which means you should like it. I say "generally" because there are always a few who say the short is more aggressive and the long comb is milder, so YMMV a bit. But, whether short or long comb, most people post very favorable reviews of the quality of shave.

I can tell you from personal experience that my long comb is definitely on the more aggressive side, compared to other open comb models I have. I actually am now on the hunt for a short comb New in the hopes it will be just a tad bit milder. The LC New, to me, has a blade feel similar to the 2013 R41, which I recently acquired.

I hope you like it. It appears to be in good shape and shouldn't take too much cleanup before it's ready to shave with. Let us know how that goes!
Thanks for the info, Jeff! I wasn't too far off with my guess. I've been doing some searching on the forum about it, and I've also seen differing opinions on which NEW is more aggressive. I even saw a post comparing the short comb to the EJ89, but more efficient!

I'm stoked about trying it! For Monday's shave, I might load up an Astra and give it a run!
In my opinion, that razor is one of the greatest engineering achievements in Gillette history. I love my SC NEWs (and my LC NEWs and British NEWs, and ...)

Are you a GNU (Gillette NEW Über-fan)?
I just bought my first OC. Waiting for it now. I'm a little nervous, but I'm sure I'll slap a blade in it and give it a whirl.
The NEW series is probably, for me, the greatest shaving heads that Gillette ever made. Wonderfully efficient, but forgiving. You will probably start to look at a lot more open comb razors after you use the NEW.
The NEW series is probably, for me, the greatest shaving heads that Gillette ever made. Wonderfully efficient, but forgiving. You will probably start to look at a lot more open comb razors after you use the NEW.

Can't be better said. I get a closer, smoother shave with the NEW than any other non-adjustable safety razor.

That said, I really enjoy my Slim set to 9, as long as I am super careful ;) Its a tie with the NEW for closeness, but the NEW tends to be smoother!


I need a flea bath
I think your case is from a standard old type set. There were some metal cases with the new but not a Bar Handle. Then I have been wrong before. The short comb new is probably the mildest razor I own. You will love it.
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