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Musgo with a brush?

Not a bit of truth to that. Perhaps it would help if the source of your information would offer some specific details?
I've heard that too but I don't think its true at all.
By the way how did you get your Xbox Live avatar to be your B&B avatar, thats a really good idea!
I've heard that too but I don't think its true at all.
By the way how did you get your Xbox Live avatar to be your B&B avatar, thats a really good idea!

I've read that the lanolin in the cream could gum up a brush. (I'd assume that would have to be over an extended period of time.)


(As for the Xbox avatar, you can log into xbox.com and your avatar is actually displayed as a JPG.)
I have used Musgo cream with a variety of badger brushes for years, and have never experienced any issues. In reality all creams "gum up" a brush over time. If you continue your normal brush maintenance program (periodic cleaning with borax, etc.) you should have few issues.
I'm using Portuguese only shaving creams (Musgo Real and Top Secret) and both of them contain lanolin, and I can say they don't gum the brush, at least using a bowl to make lather. I always wash my brush with hot water after shaving, then shake it to remove as much water as possible and stand it upside down.

I have used Musgo shaving cream for over 18 months (it is my favourite cream), and have noticed no problems at all with my sivertip badger brushes.

Like any over-fatted soap, it will leave small traces on the brush.

If you use other soaps/creams in your rotation, you will probably not notice any lanolin build up.

I just wash the brush with baby shampoo once a month or so, and all is fine.

Have fun !

Best regards

Musgo definitely leaves something in my brush - a T&H 1/2. I've used a variety of soap and creams and all wash out completely.

Musgo doesn't. It feels a bit tacky, or rather the residue has some resistance whilst washing it through, and my brush never feels as quite as smooth afterwards. It's not gummed up by any means, but it feels a bit different.

It can probably be cleaned easily, but it's annoying. And on top of that, Musgo isn't that crash hot a shave for me. Disappointing:thumbdown
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