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Multi-Razor shaving or "Bladeblending"

In the new Rolls Razor social group, a gentleman asked for tips and advice on how to shave his upper lip area (in particular the area just under his nose) with a Rolls Razor.

With good technique, it can be done very smoothly. However, his question reminded me of how different each area of our face really is. My shaving style or shall we say my preferred technique is a bit unconventional.

It involves shaving with multiple razors. I call it "Bladeblending".

I started Bladeblend shaving out of necessity. Since certain tools were better at certain jobs than others, I thought why not just use those tools for what they are best at? I just got very specific with each task and each tool.

I shave my entire face and neck with my trusty Rolls and when it comes to my upper lip, I switch to the superspeed. The superspeed is akin to being a "closer" in baseball. The Rolls is the starting pitcher...does all of the heavy lifting...so to speak, and the superspeed comes in and finishes the job. I didn't start shaving this way, I kind of morphed into this style over time and out of necessity. I would encourage others to try Bladeblend shaving. I enjoy blending my tools in this way and it allows me to enjoy each of them more often.

It may be unorthodox, but there are times when I will use a different razor and blade for every part of my face. The possibilities of Bladeblending are limitless.

An illustration of a typical shave for me... I will shave the area under my sideburns as well as my cheeks with a Rolls Razor (Viscount model), then switch to a Gillette Tech with a Feather blade for the curve of my jawline, then a Schick Krona with a Personna blade for my cut prone chin, then move to "The Closer" my Gillette Superspeed with feather blade for the area under my nose, my neck and for any touch up work.

I don't do this for every shave mind you, but when time permits I do enjoy experimenting with various combinations.

I would love to know if anyone else out there that uses their tools in this way, and if so, what tools work best for what area? Any recommendations?

Kind Regards and Happy Holidays,

No offense was taken by your comments.:biggrin1: Your thumbs down :thumbdown guy...I was slightly offended by.

I strongly disagree that it cheats me out of developing my technique. As I said in my post, I don't do this at every shave, but more so as a way to occasionally experience and enjoy many tools in one shave. After all, isn't whatever I feel is best for shaving my face "my technique"?

Bladeblending is just a way to sample many tools at one time. Why not try to experiment with using the best tool for the job? Do you not think that some razors are better at certain tasks than others?

Kind Regards,

No offense was taken by your comments.:biggrin1: Your thumbs down :thumbdown guy...I was slightly offended by.

I strongly disagree that it cheats me out of developing my technique. As I said in my post, I don't do this at every shave, but more so as a way to occasionally experience and enjoy many tools in one shave. After all, isn't whatever I feel is best for shaving my face "my technique"?

Bladeblending is just a way to sample many tools at one time. Why not try to experiment with using the best tool for the job? Do you not think that some razors are better at certain tasks than others?

Kind Regards,


As the French say, "Chaque'un a son gout" ("To each, his own", approximately, or as we all say too much here, YMMV). If it works for you, who cares about anything else?

That said, will I try this technique? Maybe, but probably not in the near future. Trying to keep the variables down for now...
If you found a solution that works for, more power to you. I use one brand of blade for all razors so this method wouldn't work for me. Lots of folks will have opinions against doing this, but no one is really in a position to tell you how to shave.
As always, YMMV but I do have to agree with Michiganlover to a certain extent. The fact that you have to switch to different razors, IMO, says that you have technique problems that are preventing you from getting satisfactory shaves.
As always, YMMV but I do have to agree with Michiganlover to a certain extent. The fact that you have to switch to different razors, IMO, says that you have technique problems that are preventing you from getting satisfactory shaves.

Reading my reply to Michiganlover may have given you a bit more insight...I do not HAVE to switch razors, I CHOOSE to switch to different razors, and as I said in both earlier posts, I don't do this at every shave, in fact, most of the time I use my Rolls for my entire face...and LOVE it!

I strongly disagree that Bladeblending cheats me out of developing my technique, it is simply a way of occasionally experiencing and enjoying many tools in one shave. Again I ask...why not try to experiment with using the best tool for the job? Do you not think that some razors are better at certain tasks than others?

Even though I am very, very, very new to this, I really enjoy experimenting with my newfound passion. After 30 years of dreading shaving my own face, it is a nice feeling to be able to look forward to it instead. I am still trying to figure out which I love more, shaving, or being able to share it with people here who love shaving as much as I do.

Kind Regards,

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