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Muhle R41 - Day Two Shave

I switched out the Derby blade for a Feather this morning, as was suggested by a number of members yesterday. I know now that BBS may in fact exist and that only my technique is preventing this from happening (. . . I still have my doubts about the Easter Bunny). I did the same 3 passes, WTG/ATG/XTG, and was left with barely a trace of stubble. Out of respect for the Feather (and fear for my face), I decided to leave well enough alone rather than do unnecessary damage . . . .

In further fairness to the Feather, it followed my first ever shave with this razor. The first shave with the R41 yesterday followed a couple of weeks of shaving with straights and a Feather AC. I can't yet shave nearly as closely with the straights or the Feather AC as I did with the R41, though they leave my face feeling more comfortable. I probably would have been a bit less tentative this morning, had the Feather blade followed the straights or any of my other DEs.

I chalk this all up to technique, I guess.

Enjoy your day, friends.
You are giving me hope, I received my R41 a few days ago but have held off using it as I simultaneously received my new Merkur slant as well. However, It is great to see that you have made such progress so quickly! I will be sure to use feathers when I decide it is time to test out.
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