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Mug Warmer = Warm Lather All Shave Long!

Not sure if any of you have or are currently using this to keep your lather warm throughout a shave, but I found a simple (inexpensive) coffee mug warmer to work incredibly well! Of course your bowl/mug needs to be dry on the outside, but I've developed a great routine to keep my lather warm throughout the shave without a scuttle. I tried keeping the bowl in hot water, but it just didn't stay warm to my liking.

Basically, I run the bowl (ceramic) in hot water to warm it up in general and soak my brush. I then dry off the outside of the bowl, fill it back up with some warm water and put the brush back in and then place it on the mug warmer to keep warm while I shower.

Once done with my shower, I start with my pre-shave prep (AOS oil). While the oil sets in, I empty the water in the bowl and create my lather in the pre-warmed bowl. Once the lather is where I want it, I lather up and place the bowl back on the warmer. As I lather for each pass, I get a rich, warm, and soothing shave. Thought I'd share and see if anyone else was using this instead of a scuttle.
Yeah, I'm sure that works fine, but what's wrong with a scuttle? I use one year round, in the winter with warmish/hot H2O, and in the warmer months, icy cold water. Either way, the ridges and lines in the scuttle help to build a great lather much faster than any type of bowl/ mug, etc without.

Robert Becker makes great scuttles, you can pick from a range of colors and sizes, typically about $30-$35 USD delivered in the US.

Just a thought. :)
Yeah, I'm sure that works fine, but what's wrong with a scuttle? I use one year round, in the winter with warmish/hot H2O, and in the warmer months, icy cold water. Either way, the ridges and lines in the scuttle help to build a great lather much faster than any type of bowl/ mug, etc without.

Robert Becker makes great scuttles, you can pick from a range of colors and sizes, typically about $30-$35 USD delivered in the US.

Just a thought. :)

I'm guessing the idea was to save even the $35 for the scuttle, and spend it on more soaps/creams/etc... lol I can't say that's a horrible idea, even though I do love my scuttle and don't regret the money I paid for it in any way.

I had thought of trying this, but my mug warming thing got lost in my last move. Since I had to buy something anways, I just went out for the scuttle.
Yeah maybe, but in the grand sceme of things, seeing how much $$$ many members here spend on shaving stuff, $30 or so seems like chump change. ?
Yeah maybe, but in the grand sceme of things, seeing how much $$$ many members here spend on shaving stuff, $30 or so seems like chump change. ?

It really comes to what resources you have. For many members, it's a mere small fee to pay. For others, it could be close to impossible to raise that much free and clear spending income. I'm lucky now and in the first category. I've also had my rough times and know what the second one is like all too well.

There is also something to be said about reusing an item in a clever way and having it work out great. Some self accomplishment there. :)
Definitely not against a scuttle whatsoever and I'm sure I'll likely end up getting one at some point. This just seems to be really convenient at the moment and works really well. How heavy are those scuttles typically?
Definitely not against a scuttle whatsoever and I'm sure I'll likely end up getting one at some point. This just seems to be really convenient at the moment and works really well. How heavy are those scuttles typically?

Depends on which vendor you get them from. Robert Beckers scuttles are a bit lighter weight than Dirty Bird Pottery, the Georgetown pottery ones look decently hefty, similar to the DB ones. It also depends on the size, since Dirty Bird has two different sizes, and Georgetown as well, or at least used to carry different sizes.
Scuttles come in a range of sizes, but even a large one isn't too heavy. The issue for some people is counter and storage space with a larger scuttle. I'm lucky to have a large master bath with double sink and lots of counter space and drawers. SWMBO has plenty of space for her stuff, and I have 3 large drawers and the area under my sink for my stuff- plenty o' room. -although it is filling up rather quickly!:)
Yeah, good call on size of the scuttle as I'm quickly running out of counter space and looking into installing a rack that attaches to the cabinet door under the sink to keep some of my products. The mug warmer is convenient at the moment for me and works really well. Doesn't keep make it too warm/hot, but keeps it warm enough to make it really enjoyable.
I have G20 scuttle fron George Town pottery , and I love it I use it all year round even when I'm face lathering I keep my brush in there works great.
I learned the easy way to keep it warm without filling out 3 times I just put 20oz cup of water in microwave for 3 minutes and pour into scuttle and ill last 4 passes .
I have G20 scuttle fron George Town pottery , and I love it I use it all year round even when I'm face lathering I keep my brush in there works great.
I learned the easy way to keep it warm without filling out 3 times I just put 20oz cup of water in microwave for 3 minutes and pour into scuttle and ill last 4 passes .

Do the scuttles hold heat well? Meaning, once you heat, or pre-heat, it up a bit the ceramic will retain the heat and the warmth from the hot water?
Do the scuttles hold heat well? Meaning, once you heat, or pre-heat, it up a bit the ceramic will retain the heat and the warmth from the hot water?

I pre-heat the scuttle in the hottest tap water while I do whatever other prep is needed. I then refill the scuttle with the hottest tap water, and I get enough warmth to last a 3 pass shave without really any issues.
I do the same thing with my lather bowl, a little ceramic rice bowl. It's very thin so usually by the third pas the lather is cooling off. Still, it's nice and easy and uses what I already have.

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