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moustache area


Goose Poop Connoisseur
Not really but it is a very painful place to cut. That's the area I usually shave first to get it out of the way because lather in your nose can be bothersome. I always follow the same routine; WTG on first pass and across from the center out next then a little touch up. Shaving upward toward my nose always made me a bit nervous so I don't go that direction.

Try not to focus too much on it so you don't start putting too much pressure on the razor.

The Adam's apple is my least favorite place to shave.
Yes, what I do is use an adjustable razor (Gillette Super Adjustable) and dial it down to 1 (from 3) before I go ATG on the upper lip. That helps a lot against weepers in that area.
The Adam's apple is my least favorite place to shave.
This used to be a major problem area for me, too. Try this: Hold your breath and swallow. This will cause your Adam's apple to disappear. Then you can just shave right over it like any other flat portion of your face. Just don't hold your breath for too long. It's probably not a good idea to pass out while holding sharp instruments!:laugh::lol::lol:
^AAD, That is some great advise! I cant imagine I've never thought of that before! I need to try that tomorrow!:thumbup::thumbup:
If you haven't already, try an open comb razor.

First shave with one I was able to go comfortably ATG. I couldn't believe it! I now have a collection of 5 old and new open combs and they all work great on my upper lip. With a little shopping, you can find a Gillette New for $10 to $15 to try out. Recently, I rotated back to my 34C as soon as I went ATG it snagged. Took the blade out, put it in my 12C and the next ATG stroke (didn't re-lather) was smooth! Good luck!!
Try this: Hold your breath and swallow. This will cause your Adam's apple to disappear. Then you can just shave right over it like any other flat portion of your face. Just don't hold your breath for too long. It's probably not a good idea to pass out while holding sharp instruments!:

I learned this trick from someone on the board a ways back, and it works great. I used to dread shaving that area, and now I don't think twice about it! Give it a shot, you'll be glad you did!
Since I keep my moustache, not a problem.

When I do shave the moustache area (about once every 4 years) I always go WTG on first pass and XTG (ear to chin/nose) on second pass. If two passes are not enough... oh well... better luck next time.
Since I keep my moustache, not a problem.

When I do shave the moustache area (about once every 4 years) I always go WTG on first pass and XTG (ear to chin/nose) on second pass. If two passes are not enough... oh well... better luck next time.

Mine is unshaven too, so no problem! :laugh:
I also have challenges in my mustache area. I am considering getting the Merkur mustache razor, with the theory that a smaller razor would make it easier to get a good shave in the area under my nose. (It will also come in handy if I ever think about growing a mustache again. I remember it was a pain trying to a good trim job around the 'stache.

Has anyone without a mustache tried a mustache razor for trimming under the nose, and other tricky spots?
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