gets alot of irritation and nicks. anyone else with this problem
This used to be a major problem area for me, too. Try this: Hold your breath and swallow. This will cause your Adam's apple to disappear. Then you can just shave right over it like any other flat portion of your face. Just don't hold your breath for too long. It's probably not a good idea to pass out while holding sharp instruments!The Adam's apple is my least favorite place to shave.
Try this: Hold your breath and swallow. This will cause your Adam's apple to disappear. Then you can just shave right over it like any other flat portion of your face. Just don't hold your breath for too long. It's probably not a good idea to pass out while holding sharp instruments!:
ATG on the moustache area is a guaranteed disaster 90% of the time. Try to only go WTG and XTG there.
Since I keep my moustache, not a problem.
When I do shave the moustache area (about once every 4 years) I always go WTG on first pass and XTG (ear to chin/nose) on second pass. If two passes are not enough... oh well... better luck next time.
.... two passes are not enough... oh well... better luck next time.