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Moustache area - I'm at wits end!

I switched to wet shaving about a year ago. Since then, I've pretty much mastered the rest of my face. When I first started, I'd get minor razor bumps near my adam's apple/lower neck and occasionally along the jaw line. That's all taken care of - I can use either a Gillete adjustable (Slim or Fat Boy) or Super Speed or a Schick L-type injector and get very good shaves with no bumps or irritation. I've got a pretty good handle on hair growth direction, pressure, angle and going WTG/XTG and almost no ATG.

The upper lip/moustache area is still a problem, though :mad3: Basically, I use my DE/SE razors on my entire face except for the moustache area.

I never had problems with cartridges on my upper lip area (I had minor bump issues on my neck though, thus the switch to DE/SE shaving). I find that if I shave regularly with my DE/SE razors, I get irritation on my upper lip. It's not bumps or redness, but seems to be in the follicle itself. I feel an irritation under the skin, especially if I touch or brush my stubble as it grows in. I have a theory that I'm pulling excessively with my DE/SE razors, but the Sensor "glides" more with it's lubricating strip. I still use a Sensor for my upper lip area (that prevents the irritation).

I think my prep is good (good enough for everywhere else :001_huh:) I've tried varying the angle of the razor head, using a light touch (I've also tried shaving oils). I only go with the grain or across the grain. No matter what, I end up with that irritated feeling after a few days of consecutive shaves.

Help me throw away my Sensor for good! Please, no suggestions about growing a moustache - not a good look for me:tongue_sm
I have in this area too but in the regard to leaving stubble behind thankfully not irritation. All I can think of is to say dial down the FB to 1 then pull out your lip and do 1 pass ATG each side and see how it suits you. Do you need BBS or will DFS do the job? Hate to say it but perhaps a bump fighter for your lip only?
Have you tried different blades in the DE ??

My test of a "good" blade is if I can ATG on the upperlip.

Anything that's not a good blade will leave me with weepers, nicks, cuts and irritation no matter what I do !

( Current goodies Astra SP and Treet Platinums but of course YMWV :001_smile )
Does your mustache hair grown downwards very close to the skin? Mine does this and I find my upper lip is very sensitive as well.

One thing you might want to watch for is any kind of infection or bacteria getting into the hair folicies there. This is actually a situation where an alcohol based aftershave or witch hazel with alcohol might come in handy. Also, if you are stretching the skin on the upper lip too much those hairs can become ingrown. Even if they're not ingrown to the point of causing bumps, they can still cause trouble when they grow back in.

You might also try creating some extra thick lather specifically for your upper lip shaving.
I thought that too, as I had redness on the right side of my mouth (since day one,) and I still have it...

Then I bought a Futur. Not that that cured the problem, but I got the idea, that if you shave dialed up, you won't have to shave so many times over the same spot.

Also, do you know - really know - the direction that your whiskers grow in? Because, I'm thinking if you shave repeatedly in the wrong direction, day after day, that could be the source of the redness.

If you don't, the Holidays are coming up, let them grow out over the weekend. Then you'll get an idea. Take pictures all over the beard area. (That's what I did.)

See if shaving every other day helps.

What type of blades are you using, are they the optimal ones for your face/razor?

Best of luck,
Cartridge razors were a nuisance for me in the mustache area because the cartridge couldn't get close enough to my nose without practically repositioning my nose.

Anyway, my mustache area is not thick. I shave it by keeping my handle horizontal and the shaving direction is from my ear toward nose (on both sides of my nose). I keep the razor in practically the same spot as I shave but I start near the highest point of the edge near my nose (right under my nose) and work downwards along the edge. So, the whiskers just above the corners of my mouth are shaved with the lowest part of the edge. On the next pass I just do a very light ATG touchup where it's needed. I use this same pattern for all the different blade types or razor comb types. Oh, and I also do the mouth thing where I wrap my upper lip over my front teeth and twist my mouth to the side. I don't know if this will help you at all, but it was fun to think about in detail. :001_cool:


My elbows leak
Staff member
Does your mustache hair grown downwards very close to the skin? Mine does this and I find my upper lip is very sensitive as well.

One thing you might want to watch for is any kind of infection or bacteria getting into the hair folicies there. This is actually a situation where an alcohol based aftershave or witch hazel with alcohol might come in handy. Also, if you are stretching the skin on the upper lip too much those hairs can become ingrown. Even if they're not ingrown to the point of causing bumps, they can still cause trouble when they grow back in.

You might also try creating some extra thick lather specifically for your upper lip shaving.

I'm guessing too much stretching. It's an area that is hard to get really close, and stretching is a natural response.
+2 on the alcohol AS or Witch Hazel.
The mustache area has some of the toughest hair. It sounds like you aren't using a sharp enough blade. Plus whatever on witch hazel too.
and settled on Yellow 7 o'clocks and Super Iridiums. The problem continues, regardless of blades - DE or Injectors.

Have you tried different blades in the DE ??

My test of a "good" blade is if I can ATG on the upperlip.

Anything that's not a good blade will leave me with weepers, nicks, cuts and irritation no matter what I do !

( Current goodies Astra SP and Treet Platinums but of course YMWV :001_smile )
I'm very careful not to stretch. I've tried just one or two passes WTG, but I end up with too much stubble left behind. I've tried a semi-diagonal XTG pass - starting from the outer area and moving in towards the center of my lip. I've even tried a full XTG from the outside in.

My whiskers grow pretty much down, N to S, but with some outward growth towards the outside of my mouth, on either side of my moustache.

The weird thing is that if I do a gentle XTG with my Sensor, I'm OK. It's the "cool razors" that are the problem :001_huh:

Keep the ideas coming, guys. So far, I'm thinking of dialing my adjustables either up or down to see how that goes. I'm going to try different blades (though I really love my Yellow 7 o'clocks and Super Iridiums).

I'm guessing too much stretching. It's an area that is hard to get really close, and stretching is a natural response.
+2 on the alcohol AS or Witch Hazel.
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