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Mountain Sky Soap

I last week got a care package from my mother back home just in time for my birthday. In my home region (the Kootenay's of BC) there are many artisan soap makers and one of my favourites is Mountain Sky Soap. I didn't realize they also made shaving soap so my mom sent some of the 'Olde Windsor' scent over to me. At the first whiff I was hooked! It has a scent that reminds me of home; spicy and slightly citrus.

I was eager to try it out but the extremely hard water in the region where I am living made the lathering a bit difficult. I did manage to get a decent lather though and was very pleased with this soap! I absolutely love the scent and although I didn't get a great lather the first time but despite that it did a great job lubricating and I still had a great shave. I also found that this is one of the most moisturizing soaps I've ever tried; my skin was so soft even my girlfriend commented on it. Definitely going to become a regular in my rotation, particularly when I'm feeling homesick :)

Highly recommend you give it a try if you can get your hands on it!

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I actually bought this exact soap at the Whole Foods in West Vancouver, I agree that the scent is great but I could not get a usable lather with it, the lather would just disappear on my face :(

I really wanted to like this soap since its from BC and the cost is low, around 5 dollars if I remember correctly.
Old thread, but apparently still valid. I was just out that way last week, and have spent much time in the Kootenays. I think I’ll give this soap a go. I’ll report back later.
Please let us know how you like it! (or not)
OK, I’ve been giving this a good trial, and I can confidently say this soap has some of the best, most consistent performance of anything I have. I’ve tried almost 100 different brands of soaps, btw, including all the big ones and small artisans. I’m generally happy with most soaps, but some lend themselves a day later to nasty ingrown hairs or other skin irritations. The true test of a soap for me is the ability to shave every day without any of that.

Initially I tried a synthetic brush, and was rewarded with effortless lather. However, the lather collapsed quite quickly on my face. Lubrication and face feel remained good, but I had to add more water to keep it from feeling dry. Further experiments led to an easy, quick method of shaving, which I prefer. I’m happy with a brush, but whenever I can do away with time consuming ritual, the happier I am. I simply lather in my hands like a bar of soap and spread it on my wet face. I then rinse one hand only and start shaving using that hand. I use the other that still carries lather to simply spread and re-wet the lather on my face, as well as feeling where I need to touch up. The post shave feel is very good, and I can mow down several days’ growth with no tugging at all.

Razor is an original Wolfman with the small gap using a Timor blade. Fabulous soap, performance wise.

Member 113878

And how about the flax seeds in the soap?
Are they milled or left as is?

Member 113878

Ok, thanks.
Looked on their website.
Seems they have a flat rate shipping of $12 in Canada.
A bit steep for a soap, and not willing to buy six bars at the moment...
Ok, thanks.
Looked on their website.
Seems they have a flat rate shipping of $12 in Canada.
A bit steep for a soap, and not willing to buy six bars at the moment...
Some of their other products look really interesting too. I may place another order for more shaving soap and other soaps too to make the most of the shipping

Member 113878

Tried the soap this morning, courtesy of krusty. (thanks again!)
Lather was abundant, but too airy.
Maybe I should remove more water from the brush (boar) before building the lather?
Will use it tomorrow again.
I’ve been trying to use up several of my soaps, including a brand new block of Boellis Panama 1924. I can’t seem to finish off a little tub of my last brick. I keep going back to this bar of Mountain Sky shave soap and my brushless method of using it. In 3 years I’m still on my first bar, and it still performs better than any other soap I have. All my other soaps and creams result in frequent nicks and weepers. Not so this soap. Protection is first rate.

I’m a bit torn about doing away with the brush, but I love the convenience of a brushless method. Pure Argan oil prior to applying the soap, and a few drops of extra water when required, and I get a perfect shave every time. Currently working through my package of Feather blades. I have several more bars of this soap in a container under the sink, and I think they’ll last me well into retirement.
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